After two years of uncertainty and extreme periods I decided there and then…I needed a hysterectomy and HRT at 45. I needed to change my life completely!
My periods were always regular and light, however I always suffered from PMS and would get moody, slightly down and under the weather, touchy and I would cry easily. I remember I used to think a lot about death and have brain fog for a week before and a few days after every period. That meant that for 10 days out of every month I felt like I wasn’t really my usual happy go lucky self.
As women we learn to live with these changes and just cope, knowing there’s not much we can do about this – we think it’s just part of being a woman.
However, it became worse when I turned 43 my periods suddenly became really heavy and the brain fog and feeling of uselessness doubled. I went to visit my gynae and was told that I had fibroids inside my uterus causing all the bleeding. The gynae said that he could give me pills to control the flow and for the pain but that probably eventually I would need a hysterectomy.
I went home thinking the last thing I wanted was to have a hysterectomy and to go into sudden menopause, and start on HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy). I was still 43, so I decided to brave it out.
I was sure that the pills prescribed would sort it out. I was wrong, my periods got heavier and heavier, sometimes I couldn’t even leave the house, periods also became irregular and there was no telling when I would suddenly start bleeding.
My life was being controlled by my uterus. But still I resisted and went on like this for almost two years, with very heavy bleeding and bad pain. That is until one day I was feeling really unwell and bleeding so badly that I was stuck at home not being able to move and not being able to concentrate. I was trying to discuss an important work issue with my husband – my brain was so foggy – I felt like I just couldn’t string a sentence together.
That was the turning point, I looked at my husband, burst out crying and said that’s it. I had to do something, I couldn’t continue like that.
I booked yet another appointment at the gynae – I still remember the date, it was Tuesday 28th April 2015.
I explained that I couldn’t continue living like this and asked him one more time what my options were. He said that at this point there was nothing more we could do but a hysterectomy. He also explained how he thought it would make sense to have a full one including the removal of my ovaries, and then informed me that this would put me straight into menopause. He explained and reassured me that I could start HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) right away and probably feel better than I ever felt before.
After two years of uncertainty and extreme periods I decided there and then, yes I wanted to do it – I asked him his availability he looked at his diary and said the earliest was end of June, but wait, he had just had a cancellation and I could do it on Saturday 2nd May if I wanted!
I chose Saturday 2nd May, just four days away! I went to him at his private clinic, and this was something covered under my health insurance. All was arranged with the private hospital within a couple of phone calls and I went off to meet my girlfriends for lunch.
I know I am one of the lucky ones who could do this on private health insurance and not wait months for the government national health service to give me a slot. I know I am privileged and that many other women do not have the luxury to choose. But if you do, do not fear surgery (only if you need it of course), do not delay it out of fear.
This is my message – do not fear living without your ovaries, if you’re going to be operated upon, especially after 45 which is close to menopause age, you don’t need your ovaries any more, and you reduce the risk of developing ovarian cancer.
Always discuss your options with your gynae but don’t worry about having a hysterectomy if your gynae suggests you need one, even if she/he mentions the removal of ovaries.
I had the operation and started HRT right away whilst still in hospital. Oestrogen in clear gel form that I apply on my arm every day. Nowadays most women can use HRT and there’s a particular version for most women of a certain age, to suit various situations. HRT guarantees a certain quality of life and I personally have never felt better. HRT is also used by many women who are going through menopause, even if you haven’t had a hysterectomy.
I contacted leading local authority on the subject of HRT, Prof. Mark Brincat, about my use of oestrogen only HRT treatment:
“In your case, since you had a surgical Menopause and Estrogen only treatment at a young age, the largest randomised Controlled study on HRT, the WHI, suggests that your 20 year incidence of breast cancer is reduced by almost 40%. Oestradiol gel is an effective way of replacement. It is a Natural Oestrogen, which is absorbed through the skin. Other routes are utilised, such as tablets, or vaginal pessaries. Treatment is adjusted and individualised, depending on the person.”
Prof Mark Brincat
My only regret is not having done my hysterectomy sooner and wasting two years worrying, bleeding, in pain and with a foggy brain when I could have avoided it all had I not been so worried about surgery and HRT.
Of course, every surgery has some risks but discuss this with your gynae, know all your risks and options and make an informed choice but don’t let fear be your reason for not doing something. Its been just over five years now and I’m still feeling better than I did when I was a 30-year-old, all thanks to HRT. There are benefits to getting older too.
If you have experienced a hysterectomy or you use HRT, we’d love to hear your experience! Contact us or email us on [email protected]

Francesca Fenech Conti is passionate about social issues and has a BA in Social Policy. She is the Founder and creator of the women only facebook group Women for Women (Malta) and the Women for Women Foundation that works hand in hand with other NGOs and businesses to empower and support women, especially single mothers.
Francesca recently also launched Wham.com.mt to provide a much needed space on the local media scene to promote women’s voices and to provide women with a source of information regarding their general wellbeing.
Click here to check out Francesca’s full bio as well as a list of all her Wham published articles