I’m not angry at men, I don’t hate men, I don’t think all men are rapists, violent wife beaters, or women haters. Of course, they’re not. I know they’re not. I have a gentle father, a kind husband and two awesome sons, and numerous male friends who are nothing but exemplary citizens, fathers, husbands, business leaders. I can see good men trying all around me, good exemplary leaders everywhere. But yet I am angry, yes, I am very angry at the structures created by men, yes by men. All our laws, our universities, our Parliaments, our religions, our oldest and highest institutions all over the world, were all created by men and still overly run and unequally ruled and dominated by men.
In all sectors of society starting within our families to the highest institutions men dominate and dictate what we all should and shouldn’t do. That is why it is men who need to take the blame and who have the responsibility to change this sad situation the world is in. If men don’t want to be blamed for the violence, for the killings, for the injustices happening all around us, it is very simple – all men need to do is release control, hand over half of their power, make space, move over for women, ensure that at every table, at every discussion, at every decision, there are equal amounts of men and women from all walks of life, of different races, religions, social standing. Only then can we no longer say that men are not to blame.
Till cis white men disproportionately control all the highest institutions in the world they need to take the responsibility and put the blame squarely where it lies – on their shoulders.
Yes, all the good we have, everything we have achieved up till now, everything we are now allowed is because a cis white male, somewhere opened that door for us and let us in. When I say us, I mean the less privileged amongst us, us the black, us the LGBTIQ, us the women, that make up the collective minorities that are not around the table, “us” the ones not making the decisions.
Move over let “us” in – then we can all take responsibility for the atrocities happening around us. Till then you need to “man up” and recognise your privilege comes with major responsibilities. Till then, yes, you will be blamed for the lack of safety, the lack of justice, the lack of peace in our country and around the world. Having token women, token LGBTIQ, token black people just for numbers is not going to cut it, its not happening, it needs major commitment from you our men who run institutions, only then will we be able to ensure that life on earth gets better for all of us.
We need your dedication and investments, because you, the cis white male, hold the world’s resources in your hands – you are the ones who currently have the power to destroy or save us. Please move over and allow others in to take on these responsibilities with you, till then you will continue to be blamed, till then only you are the reason for the good, the bad and the ugly in the world. Rant over.
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Feminista offers a safe prochoice platform for feminists (male or female) from all walks of life, a space to write anonymously about your worries, fears, issues, and the problems you face whilst living in and navigating in a patriarchal country like Malta. A country still highly influenced by harmful gender stereotypes and religious dogma, where inequality between men and women is still rife and where political parties use or ignore women’s issues for their own gain. A country where women are treated as second class citizens, a country where women are not allowed and not trusted to make their own life choices. Feminista will make your voices heard.
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