Editor (Page 9)

Article written by Dr. Michele MONTANARO-GAUCI MD. MSc. FRCOG – Specialist Gynaecologist A variety of contraceptive options should be available and easily accessible to women (and men) of all ages in Malta. Everyone has a right to access effective contraception, as this allows them to stay healthy, to avoid unintended pregnancies and have a safe and satisfying sexual life. A visit to a contraception clinic will include advice, information and discussion to help choose a suitable contraceptive method from all the many options available. It also offers initiation of the chosen method and can provide subsequent follow-up consultations if necessary. Consultations could cover topics suchRead More…

raw motherhood blog

I am a young mother living here in Malta with my partner and two superbly stubborn and extremely cheeky baby boys. My eldest is turning 3 this autumn and my youngest is only just 4 months old, so I am still relatively new to my role as a mother. Like many other women I have for a long time struggled with the expectations motherhood has burdened upon me. I have been stuck in a continuous conflict with myself for not achieving perfection. However, I have slowly begun to make peace with myself by accepting the reality of motherhood which is very different from what we often see displayedRead More…