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preimplantation genetic diagnosis

I’m a 38-year-old Maltese woman living abroad, I was first diagnosed with unexplained infertility at 33 and at 37 I was diagnosed with endometriosis, that explained my infertility. From my long IVF journey, I’d like to shed light on why embryo testing is crucial – this is medically known as Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis PGD. Unfortunately, embryo testing is currently not available in Malta. Firstly, due to my stage 4 endometriosis that spread through my uterus and ovaries, I only produce a maximum of three eggs with each cycle, and this only when stimulated, and therefore a tested embryo with very few eggs is very importantRead More…

dear mum

Dear Mum, You’ve been gone so long, you’ve left me with so many mixed feelings. I need to let it all out even though you can’t read this. Why didn’t you pick me up when I cried? Why did you push me away? You never hugged me or kissed me, I was only just a little girl. I needed you dear mum, yet you were so cold. You told me nice stories about Jesus but you also mentioned the devil so many times. I was so terrified each time I did something wrong because I knew you would beat me up and as if thatRead More…

I can’t breathe … That is the primary thought that races through my mind every time that I suffer an anxiety attack due to an anxiety disorder. Then my chest tightens, my heart starts racing, my body starts trembling, I have trouble focusing and I am filled with the most awful feeling of dread ever. At that moment in time, the world stops. Then I remember to breathe … slow breaths whilst holding myself tight … and my focus starts to come back. I open my tear-filled eyes and I can see the world again. Slowly, it all starts getting better again and I manageRead More…

aftermath of a narcissist

Unless experienced first hand, the aftermath of narcissistic abuse cannot even be imagined. This is how narcissists destroy lives, as told by a survivor of narcissistic abuse… It is the Christmas season and for many people out there, this is the season of love, joy and prosperity. But not for all … for people like me, there are times when the twinkling lights and the cheery Christmas carols serve as a means of transportation back to a horrible time where I was cheated on and treated like scum … a time where I was at the complete mercy of a narcissist, and the worst thingRead More…

marrying a paedophile

Paedophile alert! All was set, I was finally going to marry! However little did I know that I was just about to marry a paedophile! It was 2010 and I was a single mother to a 3 year old. I was happy but felt something was missing, so I joined the Connecting Singles dating website. After a few strange messages I finally got a lovely message from a man. He seemed so lovely! He had recently moved to Malta and worked in i-gaming. After a couple of weeks chatting we decided to meet up. We got on so well! He was lovely, I even openedRead More…


Fostering a child doesn’t necessarily make a fostered child happy. I have been fostered since I was 2 years old, and this is my experience… I would like to share with you what it’s like for someone who has been fostered for 18 years as I see many comments from people who are anti-abortion they think adoption or fostering a child is the answer. I have been fostered since I was 2 years old, meaning I do not remember going to different families until they find the “right“ one. But other fostered children do and I know it how mentally tiring and difficult this mustRead More…

healing from ptsd

Living with PTSD, anxiety and depression isn’t easy. This is the story about how PTSD, anxiety and depression almost took my life away… Living with PTSD, anxiety and depression isn’t easy. It’s struggling to get out of bed every morning, it’s going to work and faking a smile. It’s telling everyone you’re ok when you’re not, just because you do not want to hear ‘oh it’s just a bad day’ again. Feeling tired but not sleepy. Overthinking every little detail. Wondering if you’ve done something wrong, if you said the right thing or the ‘I should have’ or ‘I could have’ moments that constantly takeRead More…

my sex doesn't define me

My sex does not define me. Men of all ages assume that as females we are soft, emotional, craving their commitment…when we’re not! I’m sure many can agree that men like to talk down to women, for some it’s almost intrinsic, they might not realise it or like the idea of it, but they practically do it naturally. I see so many men (and sometimes even women) just assume that they know who we are because we’re female; they think we’re ‘soft’, ‘emotional’, ‘craving their commitment’, when we’re not. My sex does not define me. Our characters are not defined by our sex, how isRead More…

one-sided relationship

One sided relationship can be very traumatic and painful. I gave him more than I ever did in any other relationship, but it was not enough… I would like to share my one sided relationship experience with you all… Couple of years ago I was out for a couple of drinks and met this man through a friend of ours. We got talking and I couldn’t believe the strong pull I felt for him, but as the night ended I left for my house and thought none of it. Got home and found a request from him with a couple of messages, saying how muchRead More…

pro-choice malta

Being pro choice is something I feel very passionate about, especially as a woman. But I still find it hard to write about because the conversation is so widely suppressed that I often get scared to merely bring it up. This is a huge problem because the only way we can learn is if we can openly talk. Conversation and opposing opinions should under no circumstance take away a woman’s reproductive rights, the basic idea that a person should have complete bodily autonomy should always prevail. Usually, the counter-argument to that would claim that the foetus is its own person (this is another debate inRead More…