Anonymous (Page 3)

self love

We tend to underestimate the importance of self love. But self love can be a lifesaver. It can help us unchain ourselves from past traumas… I used to sit and wonder, what is wrong with me? Seriously something is wrong with me. How can I not hate you for what you put me through? Why am I not angry at you? Why have I forgiven you so easily after all you put me through? All I could feel was pain when memories came up so vividly. Hate in your eyes and your fist is what I remember so clearly. Punching me in the face ,Read More…

covid positive family member

Few weeks ago my husband was feeling unwell, just a sore throat and body aches but no fever. He tested positive to Covid19… This COVID-19 has been a word that everyone seems to be afraid of. I would like to share my experience so that others that may have to go through it wont feel as helpless as I felt. Few weeks ago my husband was feeling unwell, just a sore throat and body aches but no fever. We thought it would be best that he goes to do the test before going to see our family gp. He tested positive to covid19. The shockRead More…

mirena coil can fall out

Unfortunately my coil fell out. I became pregnant at 43 after being told by my gynaecologist that a mirena would be safer and more reliable.. All my life I had been on the pill, but when I was no longer in a long term sexual relationship I decided to stop for a few years. Then I met the man of my dreams and we used condoms for the first few years. At one of my regular gynae visits, my gynae rightly asked me what contraception I was using and I said condom or the pull out method. Since I was 42 and it was reallyRead More…

tested positive for covid-19

I was asymptomatic, had no shortness of breath, no sore throat, nothing…I never imagined I would be testing covid19 positive! When we hear COVID-19 we immediately think of all the photos of intubated sick people we see on the media… but when the symptoms are mild, unfortunately, we might keep going on with our lives, because let’s face it, who has never had a headache, popped paracetamol and soldiered on to work? It’s what we do… we have to keep going! We feel fine! We don’t feel like those poor sick people on TV gasping for air! Just a small heads up ladies. Not writingRead More…

never felt like a real woman

A recent post I read on facebook about being raised in fear really hit me because it is so true. I am a woman in my early 40s and having been raised catholic I have a lot of built up anger for the church in the way it instilled in us the fear of God and hell. From the memories of sermons always ending with glorifying suffering for the final prize of heaven… to demonizing women for all evil. Even jokes about Eve, or the subtle messages that women have to be submissive, endure pain and basically exist to bear and rear children, keep the houseRead More…


My Personal Experience with Polycystic Ovaries … I was formally diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) when I was 14 years old. However, I believe I have lived with its symptoms for as long as I can remember. Even as a very young child I was afflicted with monthly migraines and unexplained tummy pains. At age 12, I begged my mum to take me to a beautician for waxing; I used to wear trousers all year long and I was bullied at school because I had extremely hairy legs and a moustache… I have now lived with the diagnosis practically more than half my life.Read More…

raw motherhood blog

“Becoming a mother allowed me to embody a deeper, wholesome, grounded and pure form of motherhood happiness, a happiness like no other“… In a world where opportunities for adventure, travel, employment, freedom and independence for women are becoming increasingly possible, the prospect of limiting ourselves by having children may seem unappealing. Although one may claim that raising children does not mean ceiling off our opportunities, children do present an obstacle and an extra responsibility. I will admit that before becoming a mother myself, I did not think I ever wanted to burden myself with children. The life of a mother was simply not one I envied.Read More…

fostering in malta

“Throughout our fostering story we learned that there are so many children in this country looking desperately for a loving family…“ It’s not always easy to know what to say to foster families… but so many times, in truth, people say the wrong thing. I’ll be honest that our fostering story taught us that it hurts when you’re told that the child you foster is lucky because you know they’re not really lucky, as that’s not the right word to describe the pain they’ve had to endure. We started our fostering story into foster care three years ago, we needed to take a course andRead More…

“I lost my ectopic pregnancy baby. Unfortunately I found no information online about ectopic pregnancy in Malta, and this scared me…” When I saw the positive on the pregnancy test, I was excited, took two more to be sure and they were both positive. Dressed my son up in a promoted to big brother baby grow and woke up my partner. We then told our closest friends and family which added up to quite a few people, thinking we’ve had one completely healthy pregnancy, so no need to worry with the 12-week rule. 1 week later I had light brown spotting and discharge which lastedRead More…

“Whilst giving birth during a pandemic, I was 32 weeks pregnant, considered vulnerable and in isolation, and my anxiety hit the roof…” March 2019 was when I found out I was pregnant the first time. My husband and I were very happy about it. A few days after whilst at work when I noticed that I had some brownish spotting. I confided in a colleague, who told me to go get checked out immediately. I called a local private hospital and had an appointment within the hour. The doctor there was very rude to me, bruised me during an internal ultrasound and told me toRead More…