Anonymous (Page 4)

“All was fine until I started to have really bad cramps at around 5 weeks. Little did I know I was soon to experience a silent miscarriage …“ I was and am happily married for more than a year. We had been living together for a few years. We knew that we were ready for kids and so we both did all necessary check-ups, focused on living a healthy lifestyle, and also excluded unhealthy habits from our life. Then we decided we were ready to try for a baby. Prior to this time, I had a very stressful time at work, I was quite emotionalRead More…

I am a 33 year old woman with Hyperparathyroidism, diagnosed at the age of 30. Normal blood test routine showed high levels of calcium which with hyperparathyroidism, causes high levels of parathyroid hormone and usually low vitamin D levels. This was my first blood test routine. It is very important to take blood test regularly, but, more importantly have your results carefully inspected by a professional. Some people may think that having high levels of calcium is good for the body. Unfortunately it is not true! I had done several scans of the neck to find the gland and after several tries I eventually wentRead More…

It has been 4 days since I’ve left a toxic, violent, abusive relationship with a narcissist I thought I would spend the rest of my life with, and I am struggling. The narcissistic damage I have experienced has been traumatic to say the least. I have a massive knot in my stomach because while my entire life has been ripped apart thanks to the narcissistic damage he inflicted on me, he keeps enjoying his life as though he is just fine, as though HE was the martyr in the relationship. He gets to keep his friends, the friends he vetted for me because they wouldRead More…

Secondary infertility… Coming to terms and accepting that your family will only have 1 child when you and your husband wanted more. Finally, I am 35 years old and holding my baby boy in my arms for the first timeI! It is a powerful, loving, miraculous feeling and there and then I wanted my little baby to have a sibling. My husband and I started trying for the second one a year after our son was born. Another two years passed and nothing happened. It seemed that the odds and circumstances were against us. Meanwhile my hopes were extinguishing. Whenever I saw my friends pregnantRead More…

“I was one of the unlucky ones developing tokophobia and HG. I could not hold any food or water down, I lost a lot of weight, I felt terrible…“ Pregnancy. That all-natural state of being for young women with uteri. A time where a woman blooms into full flower, the climax of her existence. Or at least, these are the problematic messages teenage girls and young women receive about their place in the world, their bodies and their identity. So as a young woman I was eager to tick the boxes in the recipe of a fulfilled life of a woman. I wanted children, ohRead More…

“2020 was the year in which I turned 34 and it is this year that I was finally officially diagnosed with stage three endometriosis …“ The start of my teens brought about the biggest changes in my life. This change for many was a normal and a smooth transition, everyone was expecting it. My friends and I were all expecting our periods, so was I. As expected, at 13 I got my period, I thought it was not going to be a big deal, I was in secondary school and like the rest of my friends I just took it in my stride. However, forRead More…