Chloe von Brockdorff

Chloe is a creative writer and content creator with a background in food and hospitality. An avid reader, she is interested in diverse topics, including social dynamics, food and beauty. Hobbies include animal welfare, fashion and cosmetics, home decor, and psychology. Highly imaginative, sarcastic and outspoken, she believes in the importance of finding humour in everything.

don't try to change me

I have always been in touch with my masculine side, which has allowed me to form close-knit, platonic friendships with men. Being a woman, I can confidently say that having male best friends helped shape who I am today, providing me with some of the richest and most meaningful friendships I’ve had to date. Over my 34 years of life, I’ve accumulated a handful of close male friends from my college years right up to the present day. I believe that certain social ideologies trigger insecurities that make men and women feel threatened by wives or husbands who have close relationships with members of theRead More…

social media

As humans, it is in our nature to compare ourselves to others. Such comparisons allow us to evaluate our achievements and can influence how we view ourselves as individuals. However, the amount of comparing we do can affect our mental health and well-being. Social comparisons help us to form our social circles; we are naturally drawn to those whose backgrounds and environments are similar to our own. However, comparing yourself to others at a party does not necessarily have the same effect as comparing yourself to others on Instagram. It is easier to portray an exciting existence and elaborate lifestyle on social media platforms thanRead More…


What I’m going to tell you now is based on my personal experiences. Backstabbers, abusers, imposters, liars and manipulators all share one thing in common: a complete disregard for the boundaries of their victims. Their mission in life is to simply make things worse for you; they are not trying to help you succeed. Instead, they aim to make life terrible. They come in all forms, and the lines between the different types of diagnoses are often blurred. I think it is vital in any relationship to ask ourselves, “how well does this serve me?” You’ll soon realise whether these connections are worth their weightRead More…

power imbalance

Suppose one trending issue regularly appears to surface in female-based community groups. In that case, the trope of successful women attract weak men. Of course, we all know at least one beautiful, intelligent, successful woman who never seems to find men who are anywhere near her calibre. It appears, for whatever reason, that the most desirable women often inexplicably end up with abusers, cheaters, or downright losers. Have you ever wondered, in a state of bewilderment, why these strong, independent women seem to struggle so much when seeking healthy relationships? From what I have gathered, it’s a mix of things. However, there always seem toRead More…