Dr Charmaine Apap

Dr Charmaine Apap MD MRCP (UK) MRCP (Derm.) PG Cert. Pall. Care (Cardiff) CCST (Derm.) is a registered specialist in Dermatology. She qualified as a doctor from the University of Malta in 1997 and has trained both in Malta as well as the United Kingdom.

Dr Apap has been practicing Dermatology for the past thirteen years and has experience both in public as well as private practice. She treats both adults and children for a wide range of dermatology problems.

After receiving specific training in this area in the UK she also developed a special interest in vulval dermatology and together with colleagues in gynaecology she set up a specialised “Vulva Clinic” at Mater Dei Hospital dealing exclusively with this oft-neglected sub-specialty.

Dr Apap currently works exclusively in private practice.

Maskne acne from covid masks

Wham asked Dr. Charmaine Apap about Maskne… In my practice I am increasingly consulting a lot of patients (both female as well as male) who have started seeing acne due to prolonged mask use. This is occurring even in people who have never had acne before, as well as aggravating acne in people who were already prone to the problem. Such is the frequent worldwide occurrence of this problem that a new term “Maskne” has been recently coined. It is primarily caused by the heat, friction and occlusion which develops under the mask (in fact it is a type of occlusive acne called “acne mechanica“). This isRead More…