Dr Natalie Psaila

In 2007, Dr Natalie Psaila read for her MD at the University of Malta. She continued training and obtained her MMCFD and MRCGP (Int) to become a Specialist in Family Medicine in 2013.

Click here to check out Dr Natalie Psaila's full bio as well as a list of all her Wham published articles here

hair loss why does hair loss happen

Curly or straight, long or short, blonde or brunette, our hair is part of our identity, so it’s not easy when it starts to fall or thin out. There are many reasons why hair loss happens and very often, there are ways to treat it. Although, not getting bothered over it is okay too.  Why does hair loss happen? Hair goes through three main stages: a growing phase (takes 3-5 years), an intermediate phase (2 weeks’ long) and a shedding phase. Under normal circumstances, we lose about 50 to 100 hairs on a daily basis. Our hair follicles can be in any of the threeRead More…

women conditions men conditions

Our body gives us so much so it makes sense to take good care of it and keep it in tip-top health. One way you can do that is by having regular check ups and monitor for signs of early disease. Most conditions can be managed very well or even reversed if caught soon enough. We’ve already taken a look at some general tests you could do. This article will discuss how to perform check ups for conditions that are specific to women and men. Breast Examination Breast cancer can be treated quite efficiently when discovered early. Current guidelines advise women to examine their ownRead More…

regular checkup

Regular check ups and tests help us keep healthy for as long as possible. They also detect illness at the earliest stages… Consider a car that does not undergo regular maintenance. It will be fine for the first few years, but then you can start expecting trouble without much warning. The road-worthiness test (VRT) helps prevent that to some extent. Most of us feel quite lost when our car decides to break down. Now, how much more devastating would it be to lose our body’s health?  Check-up examinations and tests help us keep healthy for as long as possible. They also detect illness at theRead More…

smoking cessation

You may want to stop smoking but it is not as easy as some may sound it to be. Cigarettes provide nicotine, an essential chemical, to our brain, causing an addiction… A woman walked into my clinic with a curious mix of aromas. I could smell garlic, chewing gum and a pleasant floral scent. I think she saw my questioning look because she said, “Doctor, it’s a secret. Don’t tell my husband but I’ve started smoking again a week ago.” She had stopped for a whole year. At a meal with colleagues, she indulged in a “social smoke” and started buying cigarettes again. It’s aRead More…

“Many started showing signs of anxiety and depression. Here are seven ways to manage anxiety that you can easily start applying right away” We’ve been going through some strange times. Our lives came to a sudden halt and everything’s been turned upside down. We’ve been expected to adapt quickly, continue with our daily activities under new conditions, as well as take on roles we’re not used to having. Families with children were suddenly told to take on the role of a 24/7 carer and teacher without any outside support. It’s challenging because we’ve always been told it takes a village to raise a child. ThoseRead More…

It’s exciting planning an addition to your family. Dr Natalie Psaila’s pre pregnancy advice can help you get your and your partner’s health in tip top condition before getting pregnant. Let’s take a look at some of them. Pre Pregnancy Advice Diet Nutrition is one of the most important aspects within this pre pregnancy advice list. Think fresh. Reach out for lots of fruit and vegetables. While it takes more effort, it pays off to cook all your meals from seasonal produce. It’s a sure way to get all the vitamins, proteins and healthy carbs you need. But stay away from processed or man-made foodsRead More…