
Feminista offers a safe prochoice platform for feminists (male or female) from all walks of life, a space to write anonymously about your worries, fears, issues, and the problems you face whilst living in and navigating in a patriarchal country like Malta. A country still highly influenced by harmful gender stereotypes and religious dogma, where inequality between men and women is still rife and where political parties use or ignore women’s issues for their own gain. A country where women are treated as second class citizens, a country where women are not allowed and not trusted to make their own life choices. Feminista will make your voices heard.

We’d love to hear from you! Send us your Feminista views at [email protected]

it's a man's world

I’m not angry at men, I don’t hate men, I don’t think all men are rapists, violent wife beaters, or women haters. Of course, they’re not.  I know they’re not. I have a gentle father, a kind husband and two awesome sons, and numerous male friends who are nothing but exemplary citizens, fathers, husbands, business leaders. I can see good men trying all around me, good exemplary leaders everywhere. But yet I am angry, yes, I am very angry at the structures created by men, yes by men. All our laws, our universities, our Parliaments, our religions, our oldest and highest institutions all over theRead More…