Francesca Sant

Francesca Sant qualified as a personal trainer in 2009, and after experiencing her own struggles with c-section recovery, diastasis, incontinence and a mild prolapse, went on to further her studies with specialisation in women’s wellness – including post-natal recovery, hysterectomy recovery, incontinence, pelvic floor and core dysfunction and peri-menopause.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse. So much lack of awareness about it, yet so many women are struggling because of it. In fact, it affects about 50% of women who have had children (but it can also affect women who have not had children) What is pelvic organ prolapse? Put ‘simply’ it is when one (or more) of your pelvic organs, i.e. the rectum, bladder, or uterus, drops down into the vagina. It happens when there is a lack of support by the pelvic floor muscles, ligaments, and fascia. What are the symptoms of a prolapse? For some women, there are not many symptoms, and they getRead More…

“I laughed so hard I almost wet myself.” How many times have we heard a woman we know say this? How many times have you said it yourself? What about those light-hearted comments and jokes related to ‘peezing’, i.e. when you sneeze and pee at the same time. This is Stress Urinary Incontinence, which is an involuntary leakage of urine when there are increases in intra-abdominal pressure, such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, jumping, running, squatting, and lifting. Yes, it is VERY common. In fact, 1 in 4 women over the age of 18 will experience episodes of stress urinary incontinence. Is it normal? No. IsRead More…