Loranne Briffa

Loranne Briffa started her bodybuilding and fitness journey around five years ago and will be debuting as a national IFBB athlete in August 2021. She works as a Computing teacher and believes that women empowering women can help others achieve their goals. Through her writings, Loranne loves to share healthy habits and fitness tips that she learned throughout her own fitness experience.

your body is listening to you

Your body is listening all the time. This is a phrase I commonly heard but rarely put any notice to. However, lately I experienced how this is very true. I was listening to some music while walking and sad, slow music hit my brain. Immediately my mood changed to a saddened mode. After a while I decided to put something more energetic and without even putting any effort my mood started to improve once again. This is where I realized that our brains are like sponges to what is being inserted in them even through the most subtle ways. If a random song can effectRead More…

real transformation Loranne Briffa

What is a real transformation? We see many before and after photos and amaze ourselves because we see a physical change. But you know what are the best transformations? You guessed right….those which are not visible. It is amazing how a person can change when a mental transformation happens. Being able to smile, have a serene sleep and be grateful for your life are the best gifts one can be gifted with yet not always appreciate. Although I am no psychology expert, I would like to share with you a few tips which help you become confident and feel comfortable with yourself. Surround yourself withRead More…

Loranne Briffa

My journey from overweight to athlete started around five years ago. Those who know me as a young teenager know a different version of me which I feel does not exist anymore. A shy, chubby girl whom thought her abilities were not much. I spent most of my twenties and early thirties yoyo dieting and trying different kind of sports but none of which made me feel any happy or comfortable with myself as bodybuilding and fitness. Throughout these years however I never stopped working on my inner self to change my weak points and embracing myself to become more positive. Once I was confidentRead More…