Mariposa (Page 2)

Mariposa’s Blog features real experiences and emotions written by a mother and her daughters. Together they cover various aspects in relation to the journey of life, such as emotions, fertility, domestic violence, student struggles, female issues, teen problems, health and childhood education material and much more.

Click here to check out Mariposa's Blog bio as well as a list of all its Wham published articles

period expectations

We have all experienced a point in life where we start to question every single thing that happens to us. I am eleven years old still awaiting my first period and this is one of those years where you become afraid every single time you get a stomach ache. The Waiting Game Us girls, we go through our period every month, but when you haven’t gotten it yet, it is a bit hard to imagine what to expect, even if people tell you what it feels like. I have some friends who have already gotten their periods. But for me and others who are stillRead More…

Mariposa's Blog

“And right then I knew I was screwed! I had failed in calculating ovulation well. I realised the very next day that I had gotten pregnant!“ Time changes, circumstances change. There’s a time for trying to conceive, and a time to avoid pregnancy altogether. Just over a decade ago I was anxiously trying to conceive for the second time, but was finding it really hard to do so! Later on, half a decade later, I was desperate to not get pregnant. But life sometimes doesn’t present us with what we want…  I will be sharing my experience with you – the struggles, the messing-up, theRead More…