Zen D Amato Gautam

Driven by the commitment to leave a better world for her two daughters and future generations, Zen uses her entrepreneurial skills in raising awareness and creating initiatives that help people transit towards a sustainable way of life. Zen studied Hospitality Administration and worked in the industry for 20 years, specializing in corporate conferences and destination weddings; before setting up Eco Market Malta in 2012. She is also qualified in Business Management, and Tourism & Travel Agency Management. Her passions are discovering new corners of the Earth, books, and gazing skywards.

As President of SEAM - Social Entrepreneurs Association Malta, she is an advocate for social enterprises and believes that every business should integrate the triple bottom line.

Social Entrepreneurship

Globally, women and girls are at greater risk of poverty, violence and abuse than men. They are more likely to be malnourished and less likely to be educated, less likely to run a business or be in positions of leadership. On average women earn 75% less than men for the exact same job and position. Over 350 million women are still living in poverty and it seems unbelievable, in this day and age, that women face this kind of discrimination. Besides the many voluntary organisations and non-governmental organisations that work towards helping and assisting women in need, there is a sector that suggests a wayRead More…