The Ultimate Gift-Giving Guide: Perfect Presents for Every Occasion

Gift-giving can be both a joy and a challenge. Whether it’s for a birthday, Christmas, or just because, finding the perfect gift can sometimes feel like a daunting task. But

The Beauty and Struggles of Breastfeeding: Embracing Every Mum’s Journey

Breastfeeding—it’s one of those magical, messy, and utterly human experiences that many mums look forward to, and for good reason! It’s an incredible way to bond with your baby, offering

Building Stronger Bonds with Effective Communication

Let’s chat about something that’s at the heart of every strong relationship: communication. Whether with your partner, family, friends, or even colleagues, how we talk (and listen) can make or

Fuelling Fitness: Nutritional Strategies for Active Women

Whether you’re a yoga enthusiast, a running queen, or a strength-training superstar, what you eat can make a huge difference in how you feel and perform. Let’s dive into some

Unmasking Hidden Abuse: Recognising Non-Physical Abuse in Relationships

Abuse manifests in various forms, and non-physical abuse can be equally damaging. Recognising the signs and understanding the impact of non-physical abuse is crucial for identifying and addressing abusive relationships.

3 Easy Ways to Harness the Mind-Body Connection

Let’s explore something incredibly empowering today: the incredible mind-body connection and how holistic health practices can do wonders for our overall well-being. Ready? Let’s dive in! The Magic of the


Date: June 11, 2024 For Immediate Release The Malta Women’s Lobby extends its congratulations to Dr. Roberta Metsola on her remarkable achievement in the recent MEP elections. Dr. Metsola’s success

The Body’s Symphony During Sexual Climax

Reaching sexual climax isn’t just about feeling good; it’s a well-coordinated dance that happens inside us, involving our whole selves. It all begins with a rush of blood to the

10 Natural Remedies For Hay Fever This Spring in Malta

As the warm spring days roll into Malta, they bring vibrant blooms and longer sunshine. Unfortunately, many of us end up battling hay fever instead of enjoying the gorgeous weather.

Myriam Spiteri Debono: Breaking Barriers and Paving the Way as Malta’s 11th President

Malta has welcomed its new president, Myriam Spiteri Debono, who brings a wealth of experience and a record of many firsts. As a seasoned politician and a longtime advocate for

Of Person-Centred Communication in Dementia

‘Mum, do you remember me?’ ‘Dad, what are the names of my children?’  ‘No, my mum doesn’t understand us’. ‘You can order pizza for lunch; she does not like fish’.

Discover the Benefits of Awe: How Simple Wonders Can Transform Your Health and Happiness

In our fast-paced lives, the noise of the mundane often drowns out the beauty of the world around us. Dacher Keltner’s research gently reminds us to pause and soak in

Navigating the Digital Seas of Love: The Joyful (and Sometimes Jarring) Journey of Online Dating

Let’s explore the world of online dating, a realm where Cupid has traded in his arrows for algorithms and where the quest for love is just a swipe away. Whether

#MeTooMalta Real Women Real Shocking Experiences In Malta

Featuring brave women’s #metoomalta experiences to raise awareness about the extensive psychological damage that sexual assault causes to its victims. Trigger warning: sexual assault, rape. When Francesca Fenech Conti, administrator


Regular Contributors and Blogs

The Power of Positive Self-Talk

Each and every one of us harbours a series of thought patterns that shape our reactions to life’s circumstances. This internal dialogue, also known as personal commentary, influences

An Accessible Overview of the Newly Amended Articles Relating to Abortion in Malta’s Criminal Code

In contrast to the majority of European countries that have liberalised their abortion laws, allowing terminations within the first 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, Malta maintains exceptionally strict legislation.

Navigating the Tween Years: A Guide for Parents

Today, we’re delving into a topic that’s on the minds of many parents: the adventure of raising pre-teens. Ah, the tween years! It’s a time of growth, change,

Interview with Ms. Elaine Borg, General Surgeon with a Subspeciality in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery

I recently had the pleasure of meeting up with Ms. Elaine Borg, a General Surgeon with a sub-speciality in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery. She is highly qualified and experienced

Jumping in The Jobs’ Pool? Here’s How To Market Yourself Effectively

Anyone who’s ever been through the gruelling hunt for a job can confirm how the whole song and dance of applications, several interviews, and long-winded tests can be

Free from Chains: Moving Beyond the Black Sheep in the Family

Each and every family has a member who stands out from the rest and conforms to traditional expectations. The member who does not seem to fit within the

Yoga Pants On, Worries Off: Embracing the Power of Yoga

Why wait for a special occasion to celebrate the joys of yoga? Any day is the perfect excuse to whip out those yoga pants (not like we need

Putting Your Best Foot Forward: How To Write A Good CV

Well over a decade ago, I remember attending a meeting with a recruiter, and when I say she massacred my CV, I’m putting it mildly. Understandably, I felt

Breaking the Taboo: Let’s Talk About Periods!

Let’s talk about something that’s a big part of our lives – periods. It’s high time we shed the awkwardness and embrace this topic with openness and a

Exploring The WFH Landscape: Is Remote Work For Everyone?

In a world where we’re always racing against time, trying to keep up with the hustle and bustle of life, being able to incorporate the much-coveted work-life balance

A Heart-to-Heart on a Tough Topic: Navigating the Aftermath of Rape

Trigger Warning: This article discusses rape, which may be triggering for some readers. Please prioritise your mental and emotional well-being when choosing to read on. Let’s talk about

The Joy of Solo Travel: A Woman’s Guide to Exploring the World

Are you dreaming of solo travel but feeling a tad hesitant? You’re not alone. As women, we often face a unique set of concerns when it comes to