We have all experienced a point in life where we start to question every single thing that happens to us. I am eleven years old still awaiting my first period and this is one of those years where you become afraid every single time you get a stomach ache.
The Waiting Game
Us girls, we go through our period every month, but when you haven’t gotten it yet, it is a bit hard to imagine what to expect, even if people tell you what it feels like. I have some friends who have already gotten their periods. But for me and others who are still waiting for it, we can only imagine what it feels like, so as to prepare ourselves for it.
We already know, it happens for a bit less than one week, every month, and it makes you experience pain, making it harder to engage in physical exercise and stuff like that. We have been taught about how to put on a pad, and what to do in case you get it unexpectedly as a surprise. They also taught us that to be prepared for it month after month we need to mark when we get it, as it is usually around the same time of the month.
We seem to be prepared and feeling okay about it from the outside. However the truth is we have big fears around it, and I think everyone my age would agree with me about this.
We fear getting it on a school day, being unprepared for it. Yes, we do carry a pouch to school with all the necessities just in case it happens unexpectedly. But the fact that you don’t know exactly when just scares everyone. We have been taught what to do in that case. But it always feels safer to be comfy at home when you get it, than when you are at school having a stomach ache and going to the bathroom with a surprise waiting for you.
Uncontrollable Moods…
Girls my age also have a bit of an extra problem, it is called MOODS. It is really annoying when you are having a good day when suddenly you feel the urge to scream, without any reason, it just feels like we have to. And then when you look like you are angry (when you are) and someone walks up to you and asks you “What is wrong?” and we say that nothing is, nobody believes us. Nobody does even though everyone goes through it.
Not to mention that sometimes you seem alright and someone accidentally hits you and that little hit just ruins your day, and you just want to go home and stay in your room, crying forever (talking from experience).
Unfortunately it happens a lot. Just a little bit of something negative in your day can ruin your whole week.
And then suddenly every single day before going to assembly at school you just cry, be angry or stay alone until someone walks up to you and you start screaming that nobody cared that you were alone. Or maybe that’s just me..
At this point in life we don’t know what is going to happen within the next few seconds. And that is okay. All girls go through it eventually. We don’t know what to expect when we get our period.
We feel uncomfortable talking about what we’re going through. People need to understand that. We are going through some bad times.
Sometimes we come home from school looking like we had the best day of our lives when in reality it was one of the worst. But as I said before, everyone goes through this stage.
We hope that people understand that at this age we do have emotions popping up at random times. They should understand that sometimes we are just having a bad day and the world feels like it is totally against us. It is just our raging hormones I guess. Let’s hope that once we get our first period we start to feel less irritated and be able to enjoy the moment more without that extra dose of anxiety and uncertainty.
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Mariposa’s Blog features real experiences and emotions written by a mother and her daughters. Together they cover various aspects in relation to the journey of life, such as emotions, fertility, domestic violence, student struggles, female issues, teen problems, health and childhood education material and much more.
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