Pink October is how we refer to October as a month for raising Breast Cancer awareness. There are walks, runs and bike rides being organised around Malta and Gozo to raise funds for NGO’s and Cancer Research. Schools and work places organise breast awareness talks and encourage wearing pink for the day. This drive towards more awareness and information is vital because it helps highlight the importance of being checked by a doctor and having the necessary medical investigations and treatment if there is an issue.
This year, due to the COVID pandemic, NGO’s had to re-think ways to raise awareness and funding for cancer services and research. However, the drive to raise awareness and share evidence-based knowledge is still on. Those of us who have worked in the area of Cancer Care for many years realise the importance of early cancer detection and treatment. Moreover, we must continue to push for better treatment and cancer services and work towards finding a cure for a disease that continues to plague young and old alike.
Unfortunately, for individuals and families who have faced cancer, Pink October can be a difficult time. It can bring back memories of anxiety experienced while waiting for results to come out, regular hospital appointments and difficult treatments that were endured. For these families, the pink ribbon can be a symbol of hope but also of suffering, loss and hardship.
You see, cancer diagnosis changes everything. At one point life is normal, then suddenly priorities change, plans are altered or cancelled. This news brings uncertainty, both for the persons facing the disease and those who love them. It also ushers in a barrage of medical investigations to determine the type of cancer, whether it has spread to the lymph glands or other organs in the body, and other related issues. The results of these tests will help the multidisciplinary team involved in the patient’s care devise a treatment plan and a way forward.
For some families, Pink October is more poignant. If there is cancer recurrence or metastasis, these families live from test to test, from treatment to treatment. There is always another scan, another chemo drug, more radio or immunotherapy. Oncological treatment causes numerous side effects including fatigue, nausea and hair loss. There are the highs of good results and the lows of bad ones. These experiences are not easy to forget.
It is important for us to be sensitive to those amongst us facing cancer and its treatment during this month. Let us understand that a cancer diagnosis brings about huge changes in an individual’s life and in their relationships with themselves and with others. Cancer and its treatment affects body image and quality of life, and can cause anxiety and fear not only in those facing this disease but also in their family and friends. Wearing pink during the month of October might be a very simple way to let these individuals know that they are not alone. Moreover, it shows our support for breast cancer awareness, health education and cancer research. Hopefully one day no other family will face this disease again…
Support us in raising breast cancer awareness and raising money for Breast Cancer NGOs and Hospice…
Support Women for Women and Toly by buying this blusher specially created by Toly! 3 euros out of every blusher sold will be donated to charity including Hospice Malta and Europa Donna. For more information please click here…
Do you have an experience you’d like to share with us? Contact us or send us an email at [email protected]

Anna Catania (M.Cons. PG(Dip) Psychosexual and relationship therapy is a warranted counsellor specialised in the area if sex and relationships. She provides counselling to individuals and couples who are having difficulties with sexuality, relationships and intimacy.
Click here to check out Anna’s full bio as well as a list of all her Wham published articles