I am writing this in support of all the women who are going through this situation with me. I had approached Francesca a few months ago regards this situation. It took me a long time to manage to have a definite file with all my expenses as a single mother, so the file I am presenting is 100% correct.
I will start with how I ended up a single mother. Well, my ex is a crack head. He is a rich man, owns millions in properties and is a prominent business man. My ex had manipulated the police into calling me and scare me into giving my son to him, when it was never really an issue for him to have him. He did that just because he had found out I was on a 2 day trip, and he wanted to scare me. The next day I went to the police station with my baby because I was scared. My son was crying and he vomited when I gave him to his father. I thought I was supposed to give my son to him as the police had threatened me the day before.
After 30 minutes of handling over my son, his father sent me a message:
Say goodbye to your son, you will never see him again.
I went back to the police who asked for a decree which I didn’t have yet. They told me they couldn’t interfere without a decree. I was baffled. How did the police interfere and scare me to give him my son when they weren’t supposed to? I went up to the city my ex lives and although his father and the grandfather tried to scare me, I took my son away. Up until now my ex was very vocal about me taking my son away, but he never told people on Facebook that he had tried to kidnap my son. People up until the day of today still look at me as if I am a bad person and that I tried to keep my son away from his father. Well I wonder if anyone would have put up with leaving their son unsupervised with a crack head 24/7.
After a while we managed to get a decree and thankfully my son was placed under supervised visits with his father. The decree stated that my ex is supposed to pay 350 Euro in child support and half the educational fees and medical fees.
Let’s start by saying shame on the childcare centre who never bothered to give me a receipt for the extra hours I had to pay…6 Euro a day, and the summer school fees (school is now closed). And shame on the Criminal Lawyer who never bothered to give me a receipt.

Legal Fees
- First Family Lawyer – 1833 Euro – 2 Decrees and bills for letters written and useless meetings to discuss.
- Criminal Lawyer who never gave me receipts – 700 Euro
- New Family Lawyer – 720 Euro – meetings and garnishee order.
Paid Therapies
The following image features only part of the therapies I have paid for my son. He is supposed to be paying half of this. The only way for me to get him to pay is to open an expensive court case. Please tell me, how would a single mother without any help be able to pay this amount to make sure her son is okay in therapies and also open an expensive court case?
I paid much more in bills for books, extra uniform costs, medicine, doctors, but it is impossible to keep track of everything. This list is just the tip of the iceberg.

Dear Maltese society and Maltese Government, if you are so kind-hearted that you do not tolerate abortions and you are ready to put a woman in jail if she has an abortion, can you please explain to me why you don’t give a damn about me and my living son? Why is the father getting away with not paying what he should? Why didn’t you bother about my son’s physical problems and left it up to me to get money for his therapies and have zero help whatsoever? How are mothers who are unqualified and uneducated going to manage to get through this kind of hell?
Do you have an experience you’d like to share with us at wham? Contact us or send us an email at [email protected]