Few weeks ago my husband was feeling unwell, just a sore throat and body aches but no fever. He tested positive to Covid19…
This COVID-19 has been a word that everyone seems to be afraid of. I would like to share my experience so that others that may have to go through it wont feel as helpless as I felt.
Few weeks ago my husband was feeling unwell, just a sore throat and body aches but no fever. We thought it would be best that he goes to do the test before going to see our family gp. He tested positive to covid19.
The shock and fear I felt was something beyond anything I had experienced before. What will my work place think? What will the people we had contact with think? How am I going to keep my family safe with a newborn and an asthmatic person living in the same household?
Googling didn’t help much. I called 111 and also the helpline for people who had tested positive. I asked them all sorts of questions. I must say they were extremely helpful. They advised to keep the infected person isolated as much as possible.
My husband isolated himself in the kids room, which is the furthest room and closest to the spare bathroom.
I supplied him with 2 weeks towels and underwear and some cleaning material for him to disinfect both rooms. I stocked up with lots of disposable items so he could eat and then throw any items he used away. It was a long 2 week process. Whenever he was hungry he used to msg me. I used to call him to wear his mask and I wear mine and I would put his meal behind his door. When I leave, he opens the door and takes his food. I never took back his items. He used to put all his stuff in a garbage bag in the yard leading to his bedroom.
Finally after 2 weeks, we all got tested negative, the 6 of us.
It wasn’t the best scenario and was very difficult having to order all food and cleaning stuff online and telling the delivery persons to leave stuff behind the door because we are on quarantine but I wanted to share my story to tell everyone that it is doable.
If one person is positive, it doesn’t mean that all of the people living under the same roof will catch it. The important thing, as always, is as soon as some is feeling unwell in your household – isolate them till you’re sure its not Covid-19. There s a lot of help from helpline 111. Use the help provided and follow their guidelines. If I managed to do it, so can you.
A COVID-19 vaccination has just started being rolled out. Read more about it here…