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real transformation Loranne Briffa
Image by John Saliba Photography

What is a real transformation? We see many before and after photos and amaze ourselves because we see a physical change. But you know what are the best transformations?

You guessed right….those which are not visible.

It is amazing how a person can change when a mental transformation happens. Being able to smile, have a serene sleep and be grateful for your life are the best gifts one can be gifted with yet not always appreciate.

Although I am no psychology expert, I would like to share with you a few tips which help you become confident and feel comfortable with yourself.

⭐ Surround yourself with people who believe in you, limit time with people who drain you. Avoid talking about topics which you are eager about with people who will make you shutter your dreams. Instead save your energy, choose your battles and change subject. Hearing negative thoughts on something you are keen about will deprive you from believing in yourself.

⭐ Encourage others to follow their dreams, a smile or an encouraging word can push a person to be more confident. Be that person whom others are happy to meet rather than try to avoid. Seeing someone happy because of something nice you did for them is contagious, it will make you even better with yourself. Listen to others, be open to help yet if you don’t have anything nice to say just don’t say anything.

⭐ Do not try to save everyone from getting any defeats. It is not within your power to do so. If a friend or a family member shares with you something you already gone through it is not within your power to prevent that person from going through it as well. Instead be supportive, give advice but let everyone learn from their life experiences. Being overly protective may work against you.

⭐ Do not postpone on doing something you wish to do, whatever it is. If you wish to go to the beach and wear a bikini, just do it. Be proud of your imperfections, a scar, a stretch mark. It means you are a real person. Wear them with pride. If you wish to take a few hours for yourself and isolate from your daily routine make an effort to make it happen.

⭐ Be strong to say no if something doesn’t fit your lifestyle. Take care of yourself first. Do not be afraid of grudges, if someone cuts you out because you have a different view or opinion you are surely better off without them. Be you, the world will surely adjust accordingly.

⭐ Avoid being judgemental, it opens up a new world to you. If you are open to make different friendships even if you don’t cross path with their ideas, you grow up to be a better person. Knowledge is power and sometimes you learn the best life lessons from the person you least expect it.

⭐ Read and exercise daily. Even if only for a few minutes, these two things enhance your wellness . Reading is the best exercise for your brain, while moving every day makes you feel so good. You don’t need to spend hours to achieve progress, do ten sqauts before you shower, take the steps instead of the lift at least once a day, read an article while scrolling your facebook instead of just assuming the content from the title, get a book and read a paragraph a day. Small steps yet done daily can do wonders.

These are a few tips I believe help into allowing a person make a real transformation, an aesthetic transformation may take from a few weeks to months however a mental transformation needs to be challenged every day but it is worth it. It allows you to look at the world with an open heart and a wise mind.

If you like to follow my healthy habits and fitness tips I learned so far throughout my fitness experience, follow my Facebook page

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