Rachelle Deguara is the Co-Chair person of ADZ Green Youth Malta, business owner of Mellowmoon, a committee member of Young Progressive Beings and an artist with the stage name of REA. In other words, she’s a woman with a vision for change and a plan to get it done.
We sat down with Rachelle to learn more about her journey.
What is the driving force behind your social and political endeavours?
There isn’t any major driving force behind my social endeavours. I wrote my first song back in 2016 when il-Munxar, Marsaskala was under threat with a development for a so-called agri-tourism village. I sang this song at an open mic at Maori and there was Alex Caruana, a fellow activist who encouraged me to join Graffitti. Now, it has become a habit which I cannot see my life without. I greatly enjoy debating and meeting with people who are not like minded but have the same principles at heart.

Politically, I am just fed up with the same narratives over and over again. Cliche as it may sound, I wanted change and I decided to be the change together with a party who had members trying to push forward topics that needed more emphasis, like for example, the abortion debate. I believe that bodies should not be a political battleground because I wholeheartedly trust women with the decision to decide whatever suits them best. Policies need to change and I want to remove the stigma and taboo when it comes to sexual health and reproductive rights.
What would you prioritise changing in Malta’s current state?
More autonomy (Euthanasia) and less poverty, less homelessness and less empty housing, more workers and home owners rights in the construction industry and the president. As previously mentioned, sexual health and reproductive rights are also at the forefront of my agenda, which is why I’m part of Young Progressive Beings. Then there is also safeguarding ODZ’s and open public spaces and the decriminalisation of cultivation of cannabis.
What are your aims within the pro choice movement?
Accessibility. It’s a human right, after all. We know that women do have abortions, hundred of them yearly. It’s a well known scientific fact. I can’t understand why for the sake of the morality of some, women, sometimes also children, have to go through psychological tourture for a medical procedure. It still baffles me how some are comfortable enough in their privilege to afford access for abortion and still impose their personal oppressive beliefs onto others. A total ban favors no one. I trust that women are capable of making their own choices and the state should do the same. I’m also pro-abortion because not everyone chooses to have an abortion. Many need it to survive and the state should offer it to save lives.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I can answer this with the most ambitious thing that I have in mind or realistically. In reality, all I want is to be in a place where I have time to read most of the books in my library and continue to contribute to society. Have enough intellectual capabilities to produce art and enough tolerance for stupidity.
How do you wind down?
Art, chess and poker, occasionally. Dining with good wine and having stimulating conversations.
What are you passionate about?
Myself, social justice, conceptual art, and the book industry.
What advice do you have for younger girls?
Screw up while you’re young so that you’ll have time to learn from your mistakes. You can’t demand respect from others if you don’t respect yourself first. Unlearn what society imposes on you and start to think more for yourself. Don’t be apologetic to suit someone else’s ego. Stand up for yourself.

Rachelle Deguara is able to translate her strong political messages through her music, activism and position within the green party. She is a force to be reckoned with, and offers a hopeful glimpse into the future of Malta.
Follow Rachelle Deguara on instagram as musical artist REA, mellowmoon1111 for her jewellery line, and a blend of them all at rachelledeguara.
Of course, don’t forget to follow ypbmalta to keep up with the pro-choice movement.
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Emily Galea is a writer and feminist activist in Malta. She is the Vice-President of Young Progressive Beings, Project Co-lead of the Dear Decision Makers campaign, and MA student in Gender, Society & Culture at the University of Malta.