Press Release by the Malta Dyslexia Association – Dyslexia Online Meeting April 2021

The Malta Dyslexia Association is organizing its fourth online meeting for 2021 on Thursday, 29th April 2021. The activity starts at 18:00 and will be facilitated by Dr Claire Francica, Existential Psychotherapist and Parental Alienation Practitioner. This session is open for parents, educators and students. It focuses on Addressing Burnout during the COVID 19 Pandemic. For more information on registration please contact MDA on 99498841 or send an email to [email protected]
L-Assoċjazzjoni Maltija tad-Diżleksja qed torganizza ir-raba’ laqgħa virtwali għas-sena 2021 nhar il-Ħamis, 29 ta’ April 2021. L-attività ser tibda fis-6.00pm u se titmexxa minn Dr Claire Francica, Existential Psychotherapist u Parental Alienation Practitioner. Din is-sessjoni ser tkun miftuħa għall-ġenituri, edukaturi u studenti u se tittratta Kif Għandna Nevitaw l-Eżawriment Matul il-Pandemija tal-COVID 19. Għal aktar informazzjoni fuq reġistrazzjoni ċemplu lil MDA fuq 99498841 jew ibagħtu imejl fuq [email protected]
The Dyslexia Association is a voluntary association which was founded in 1985 by parents and professionals who were concerned about those children who in spite of their intelligence and overall ability were struggling to develop literacy skills. This can lead to anti-social behaviour, bullying, illiteracy, depression and unemployment.For this reason the Dyslexia Association has been proactive in creating awareness of the condition so as to ease the position of such individuals. Over the years the Association has invited to Malta a number of foreign speakers to further develop awareness in the field. Furthermore, the Association has organised courses for parents to enable them to support children and other family members more effectively.
Malta Dyslexia Association
If you have an event or experience you’d like to share with us at wham, kindly contact us or email us at [email protected]