The word ‘period’ can be easily associated with negative aspects such as cramps, mood swings, bloating and uneasiness, especially where irregularity is concerned. This, coupled with the diversity of products available to choose from, may create unnecessary tension. I must admit that as a writer, when I was asked to review Ellen Probiotic Tampons I felt quite taken aback. See, as a woman I’ve had my share of unsatisfactory menstrual hygiene product tries in the past (I admit I am quite fussy!), and had finally settled on using menstrual cups. However, as a mature student nurse, the word ‘Probiotic’ caught my eye, and I felt I owe our wham followers more than just a basic honest product review…
Ellen Probiotic Tampons – What does the word Probiotic has to do with tampons?
In 2012, a group of experts representing the Polish Gynecologic Society stated that Ellen Probiotic Tampons are made of natural fibres free from dioxin and chlorine, which are treated with acidic acid producing the probiotic Lacto Naturel. This, along with patented benevolent bacteria, has the ability to strengthen women’s natural defenses and help protect against vaginal infections. They stated that the Ellen Probiotic Tampons help maintain natural vaginal flora and its pH during menstruation. Clinical data available suggests that probiotic tampons provide potential benefits such as preventing vaginal or vulval discomfort resulting from frequent swimming poll use, maintenance of the therapeutic effect of antibacterial and antifungal vaginal treatment, as well as prevention from recurrent infections and prevention of iatrogenic vaginal flora imbalance following antibiotic treatment (Zespoł Ekspertów Polskiego, 2012).
Another peer reviewed article mentioned that vaginal lactobacilli help in the prevention of pathogen invasion. If the vaginal ecosystem is disrupted by predisposing factors such as pregnancy, menstruation, sex, antibiotic overuse and vaginal douching, pathogen overgrowth may cause vaginal infections and related complications, such as Bacterial Vaginosis, STIs, and VulvoVaginal Candidiasis – in these cases the use of lactobacilli can provide an alternative way to restore the vaginal ecosystem, as well as effective long term prevention against vaginal infection (Wallace Jeng et al, 2020)
What does this mean?
Simply put, factors such as your period, sexual activity, antibiotic use, pregnancy and vaginal douching can cause your vagina to become pH imbalanced, and this puts you at risk of vaginal infections, or worse, related complications. Probiotics can help restore your vagina’s pH and thus, prevent vaginal infections.
Unless you like the idea of applying yogurt topically to your vulva or into your vagina whilst making sure that the yogurt you’re using contains the lactobacillus needed for this purpose, the use of Ellen Probiotic Tampons can provide you with an effective and safe way to support natural vaginal balance, reduce vaginal discomfort whilst improving vaginal health – without any yogurt mess of course!
Ellen Probiotic Tampons Review
Upon opening the can, these probiotic tampons look just like regular applicator-free tampons. On application, they feel very much the same, however, I did notice a slight silkier texture to them. And whilst usually other tampon brands feel a bit uncomfortable to me, these definitely didn’t. In fact, I had to keep reminding myself that I had them on so as to check for any leakages, especially since I had become accustomed to menstrual cup use. With regards to absorbency, I felt that they are quite similar to other tampon brands. But overall, I was very satisfied, even more so after having researched through a lot of scientific evidence proving the effectiveness of probiotic use in tampons.
Ellen Probiotic Tampons are available in three sizes: mini (for light menstrual flow), normal (for normal menstrual flow) and super (for heavy menstrual flow). It is advisable to use for at least three menstruations after experiencing vaginal discomfort, or whilst/after taking antibiotics. As for women who tend to experience recurrent vaginal problems, these tampons can be used during each and every menstrual cycle.
All in all I really liked these tampons and I will most definitely use them again as well as recommend them especially to women who tend to suffer from recurrent vaginal infections.
Ellen Probiotic Tampons are available from all leading pharmacies or online from here.
Wallace Jeng, Y. C., Shu, Y. C., & Leslie Thian, L. T. (2020). Vaginal microbiota and the potential of lactobacillus derivatives in maintaining vaginal health. Microbial Cell Factories, 19, 1-24. doi: http://dx.doi.org.ejournals.um.edu.mt/10.1186/s12934-020-01464-4
Zespoł Ekspertów Polskiego, T. G. (2012). [Statement of the polish gynecological society expert group on the use of ellen probiotic tampon]. Ginekologia Polska, 83(8), 633-638. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.ejournals.um.edu.mt/scholarly-journals/statement-polish-gynecological-society-expert/docview/1282045128/se-2?accountid=27934
Claire Galea is a mum of three currently reading for a Degree in Nursing at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Malta, as a mature student. She is keen about holistic patient-centered care as well as public education about health-related subjects, which she frequently writes about on Wham as a Content Writer and Website Editor.
Claire is also passionate about spreading awareness on the negative effects that domestic abuse leaves on its victims’ mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing. She is the author of two downloadable ebooks, namely Heal Your Life Forever and 5 Simple Steps To Creating The Life Of Your Dreams.
Click here to check out Claire’s full bio as well as a list of all her Wham published articles