One of the most difficult things for a woman to do is keep up with her career and have children. Others decide that being an employee is not their thing and having their own business or extra income at the side is the way to go. For me it was all of the above. Having a son at the age of 32 was a very different experience from when I had my daughter at 18. Our parents were now elderly; having them babysit our son was not an option and he was not an easy child at all – tantrums galore, so we needed to find a solution. Giving up my career and my income was not on the table.
For many years I had kept up with having a full time job and a part time job, especially because being a single mother is never an easy task and money is never enough. I was exposed to HR and Payroll from a very early phase in my working life, which first became a career, and now is my life. In February 2020 I decided it was time to focus full time on my own business (little did I know that a month on we would be closing due to Covid.) Nevertheless, things worked out well and to make a long story short, right now we are a team of women in our new offices in Sta. Venera, where we moved to in November 2021.
We are making sure to provide a welcoming environment for all people who come to work with us, or to do business with us. Internal policies include a longer period of Birth Leave for anyone whose partner gives birth, work from home policies, an array of sanitary needs available for free, flexibility in working hours, and much more. We are also currently working very closely with our employment lawyers, doctors and women, to put together a miscarriage policy as well as a menopause policy.
I truly appreciate how lucky I have been throughout this journey – a journey which was not easy at all. For this reason, thanks to the support of fabulous people who surround me, we have decided to extend our services to anyone who needs help. We will be opening our office even after hours on certain days for anyone who needs consultations or services to open a new self employed business, catch up with any income tax returns that have never been sent, come speak to us regarding any HR issues that they are having, and for anything else that we can be of service for. We understand that while it is a run-of-the-mill job for us, it is very overwhelming for those who cannot deal with this on their own. These services will be given for free. The idea is not to burden people with more expenses but to help them in their journey.
Anyone who would like to avail of these services can contact us on facebook at McCormick Payroll & HR or send us an email on [email protected] to set up an appointment.
Do you have an experience you’d like to share with us at wham, either in your name or anonymously? We’d love to hear from you! Contact us or send us an email at [email protected]