In December 2021, life took an unexpected turn for Natasha Tabone. A seemingly innocuous lump in her breast sent shockwaves through her world. Little did she know that this would be the beginning of a battle against breast cancer.
With courage, she confided in a dear friend about the lump. Her friend, in the spirit of Christmas, gifted her a mammogram and a 3D ultrasound at a private clinic. It was a gesture of love and support that would set the stage for her battle against cancer.
The initial diagnosis seemed reassuring, as the doctor assured her that the 2.5cm lump was merely a cyst. The worry decreased, but her body continued to send distress signals. Her breast hurt, and changes were becoming evident. Despite previous reassurances, something felt amiss. Trusting her instincts, she sought further medical advice and was referred to Mater Dei.
At Mater Dei, her journey took a different direction. The doctors there immediately recognized the gravity of the situation and scheduled urgent ultrasounds and a biopsy. A compassionate figure named Mr Aymen became a crucial part of her journey, offering support and kindness during a turbulent time.
Dr. Salvina Zrinzo, her guiding light during this storm, confirmed her suspicions: something was indeed wrong. Further tests followed swiftly, leaving her with a sense of urgency. The support from her partner, who had suggested seeking a second opinion in Italy, was unwavering. However, the care and compassion she received at Mater Dei convinced her to stay in Malta for treatment.
The day she received the definitive diagnosis was life-altering. The cancer had spread, affecting both breasts. The decision was clear: radical surgery. In that moment of despair, her partner’s unwavering support became her anchor. Telling her daughters and mother about the diagnosis was heartbreaking, but they united in their resolve to face this challenge together.
On September 1st, the day of her operation, she entered the hospital with positivity in her heart. She faced the surgery with a smile, determined to emerge victorious. The surgery, though life-changing, brought her no excruciating pain. Instead, from the moment she opened her eyes after the operation, she found herself surrounded by loved ones and a very close friend, making light of a heavy situation and finding joy in the moment.

Life had one more twist to offer – cancer had spread to her lymph nodes. Another surgery followed, and her ovaries were removed as a preventative measure. Each obstacle was met with courage and determination.
The word “chemotherapy” was a bitter pill to swallow, but she faced it head-on. The journey was marked by side effects and hair loss. Yet, her positive spirit never wavered. She took comfort in the support of her daughters, partner, and friends. They became her pillars of strength, lifting her up during her darkest moments.
As she underwent chemotherapy, she forged friendships with the oncology staff. Their kindness and care eased her pain and discomfort. She tackled each side effect with grace and resilience, never letting cancer steal her joy.
One of the hardest moments was losing her hair, but even with that, she found a way to laugh and find humour. Her daughters, grandsons, and partner provided a bright light in her life, helping her see the silver lining even in the most challenging times.

Months have passed since her last chemotherapy session. She now faces the future with hope and determination. Breast reconstruction awaits, and she looks forward to embracing a new version of herself. Her surgeon, a beacon of expertise and compassion, has offered options that prioritize her comfort and well-being.
This remarkable journey through the trials of breast cancer has illuminated the strength of the human spirit and the power of unwavering support. With the love and encouragement of her daughters, partner, and family, she has emerged stronger than ever. Though the road was long and challenging, she now eagerly anticipates a future where she can once again be “Her” – a symbol of resilience and unwavering hope.
A few months after chemo was over, she embarked on the next part of her journey: radiotherapy. This treatment required just 10 minutes a day, and remarkably, it came with no pain at all. However, there was one minor hiccup along the way – her skin developed some burns, but she approached this setback with humour and resilience 😅.
Her dedicated medical team swiftly provided her with creams that alleviated the burns. Within a few weeks, her skin was clear and on the path to recovery. The doctors also recommended that she invest in high-protection sunblock, considering her sensitivity to sunburn. The beach became a haven once again, and she proudly donned her high-necked swimsuits, filled in with silicone fillers generously provided by the hospital.
Getting ready for outings became a bit more intricate, but she took it all in stride. She affectionately referred to her new routine as the ‘boobs and hair’ ritual, as she carefully ensured that she felt comfortable and confident. With a smile on my face, she embraced each moment, knowing that she was more than her physical appearance.
Throughout this challenging journey, Natasha discovered that true beauty goes beyond external appearances.
Today, as Natasha looks back on her remarkable journey of surviving breast cancer, she is filled with gratitude for the resilience that carried her through the storm. With a heart full of love and an indomitable spirit, she is ready to embrace whatever the future holds. She has learnt that life’s challenges can reveal our inner strength and that, even in the face of adversity, we can find joy and laughter.

Her story is a testament to the power of love, positivity, and the unbreakable human spirit. 💪❤️