Search results for: covid

Menstrual Changes Following COVID-19 Vaccination

As we are currently pacing through the COVID-19 vaccination program rollout, a proportion of women from various countries are claiming menstrual changes following COVID-19 vaccination. Some women have claimed that they’ve experienced unusual, shorter or longer, lighter or heavier periods following vaccination. Whilst experts seem to be contradicting such reports, asked the question directly to Maltese women. Before listening to real women’s experiences, let us evaluate the current scientific evidence available on the subject. Scientific Evidence on Menstrual Changes following COVID-19 Vaccination Unfortunately, although I’ve searched thoroughly for evidence based information on the subject, there doesn’t seem to be much out yet, most probablyRead More…

I took the covid vaccine

“I took the Covid19 vaccine Pfizer-BioNTech to protect myself and the community I serve”, says Specialist Public Health Nurse Tracy… The much-awaited Covid-19 Vaccine has finally arrived in Malta. Malta’s healthcare workers are the first to have started to receive the vaccine. Many people are still apprehensive about the vaccine and are not keen to be the first to take it. Wham spoke to Tracy from Berkshire in the UK, a Specialist Public Health Nurse – Health Visitor. Tracy is 59 years old, half Maltese and works with mothers and families with children 0 to 5 years old. Tracy works in her community as aRead More…

Santa was late this Christmas in delivering a gift to a 9 year old girl…yet thanks to Angela and Omar’s kindness and help, he still managed to make it right in time to deliver gifts and lots of happiness! Covid 19 might have ruined many people’s Christmas but there are always heart warming stories too. As I lay alone at home in quarantine and my husband upstairs in isolation, another message came in on my phone, most of them today have been to thank me or from friends to wish me a happy Christmas. This one was different. It said “I’m a single parent andRead More…

tips homeschooling covid pandemic

The following tips for homeschooling can provide you with all you need to know about homeschooling especially during the COVID-19 pandemic… We can all agree that the year 2020 has taken us all by surprise. Many of us back in March didn’t even think it possible that by the end of this year we would be still struggling with COVID-19 within our community (as is also worldwide) and without a clear and finalised date for a safe vaccine. This has led to a lot of uncertainty and fear when it comes to sending children to school, especially for those parents and children who are deemedRead More…

covid positive family member

Few weeks ago my husband was feeling unwell, just a sore throat and body aches but no fever. He tested positive to Covid19… This COVID-19 has been a word that everyone seems to be afraid of. I would like to share my experience so that others that may have to go through it wont feel as helpless as I felt. Few weeks ago my husband was feeling unwell, just a sore throat and body aches but no fever. We thought it would be best that he goes to do the test before going to see our family gp. He tested positive to covid19. The shockRead More…

back to school post covid

With less than five weeks until Malta’s schools are scheduled to re-open, parents and students have no idea what’s going to happen and whether they’re going back to school during COVID19. The Government proposes three scenarios, but has not yet confirmed which will be operationalised. Education Minister Owen Bonnici has however said that the protocols will be similar to those followed at Skolasajf. “During lockdown, my daughter did well academically. But emotionally and socially, she suffered greatly.” Following the recent resurgence in cases, it is a delicate time to make such an important decision. Many parents are fearful for their children’s safety at school, butRead More…

anxiety apps

Covid has made people who never worry or who have never experienced anxiety start to suffer from it too. These downloadable anxiety apps can help curb anxiety… We all go through different phases in life, and suffer ups and downs, some of us take these in our stride and seem to be able to ride the waves without suffering much, many of us however need some help. To top it all Covid has made people who never worry or experienced anxiety start to also suffer too. Thankfully, there is a lot of help around and Richmond Foundation are doing a great job offering free counsellingRead More…

Maskne acne from covid masks

Wham asked Dr. Charmaine Apap about Maskne… In my practice I am increasingly consulting a lot of patients (both female as well as male) who have started seeing acne due to prolonged mask use. This is occurring even in people who have never had acne before, as well as aggravating acne in people who were already prone to the problem. Such is the frequent worldwide occurrence of this problem that a new term “Maskne” has been recently coined. It is primarily caused by the heat, friction and occlusion which develops under the mask (in fact it is a type of occlusive acne called “acne mechanica“). This isRead More…

tested positive for covid-19

I was asymptomatic, had no shortness of breath, no sore throat, nothing…I never imagined I would be testing covid19 positive! When we hear COVID-19 we immediately think of all the photos of intubated sick people we see on the media… but when the symptoms are mild, unfortunately, we might keep going on with our lives, because let’s face it, who has never had a headache, popped paracetamol and soldiered on to work? It’s what we do… we have to keep going! We feel fine! We don’t feel like those poor sick people on TV gasping for air! Just a small heads up ladies. Not writingRead More…

“Soft skills are a requisite to successfully face the constantly changing working scenarios, especially now during the COVID-19 pandemic…” Over the past 10 years, the labor market has become more and more sectorial, creating the opportunity for every professional to specialize in increasingly specific areas. However, in 2020, and even more in the post COVID era, a curriculum vitae full of experience is no longer the only element that guarantees the hiring or professionalism of a person. We are in front of what is defined as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, we have learned – the hard way ☹ – that processes can be efficiently managedRead More…