Ask Our GP

Do you have a question you would like to ask a GP? Send us an email with the subject name ‘Ask Our GP’ and we will forward your question to our in-house GP, Dr Natalie Psaila.
Ask Our Lawyer

Do you have a question you would like to ask a lawyer? Send us an email with the subject name ‘Ask Our Lawyer’ and we will forward your question to our in-house Lawyer, Carina Nagiah.
Ask Our Sexual Health Advisor

Do you have a question you would like to ask a sexual health advisor? Send us an email with the subject name ‘Ask Our Sexual Health Advisor’ and we will forward your question to our in-house expert in sexual health, Dr Donia Gamoudi.
Ask Our Gynae

Do you have a question related to gynaecology that you would like to ask? Send us an email with the subject name ‘Ask Our Gynae’ and we will forward your question to our in-house Gynaecologist, Prof Isabel Stabile.
Ask Our Intimate Partner
Violence Expert

Do you have a question related to intimate partner violence that you would like to ask? Send us an email with the subject name ‘Ask Our Intimate Partner Violence Expert’ and we will forward your question to our in-house expert, Elaine Compagno
Ask Our Anaesthesia and Pain Management Expert

Do you have a question related to anaesthesia and pain management that you would like to ask? Send us an email with the subject name ‘Ask Our Anaesthesia and Pain Management Expert’ and we will forward your question to our in-house expert, Dr Cherilyn Fenech.