Wellbeing (Page 4)

kat smith nutritional therapist

Six years ago Kat Smith decided she had had enough of listening to female health related horror stories, so she took matter in her own hands. 6 years ago, I decided I’d had enough! Enough surgeries; enough rubbish advice; enough relying on others to fix me; enough blaming myself for my condition; enough of hearing horror stories from my girlfriends about their gynae problems and how their doctor couldn’t help them. I spent a lot of time during my teenage years in the doctor’s room, complaining of fatigue, illnesses and colds and flu that never went away. As the years went on, I was prescribedRead More…

smoking cessation

You may want to stop smoking but it is not as easy as some may sound it to be. Cigarettes provide nicotine, an essential chemical, to our brain, causing an addiction… A woman walked into my clinic with a curious mix of aromas. I could smell garlic, chewing gum and a pleasant floral scent. I think she saw my questioning look because she said, “Doctor, it’s a secret. Don’t tell my husband but I’ve started smoking again a week ago.” She had stopped for a whole year. At a meal with colleagues, she indulged in a “social smoke” and started buying cigarettes again. It’s aRead More…

problem solving

World has become much more complex and this is reflected both in people’s lives and organizations. In such a context, problems are the rule, therefore problem solving skills have become exponentially more important. In the era of digital transformation, artificial intelligence and robotics, jobs that involve simple and repetitive tasks are slowly being taken over by machines and it’s likely that soon only duties that instead require creativity and intuition will remain exclusively reserved for human beings. As a consequence, the quality of our life will more and more depend on our ability to deal with and solve the more or less serious difficulties andRead More…

PCOS nutrition as well as an increase in physical activity can improve the symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome drastically… Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a common women’s health problem caused by an imbalance of reproductive hormones. Between 5% and 10% of women of child-bearing age (between 15 and 44) have PCOS. Most women find out they have PCOS in their 20s and 30s, when they have problems getting pregnant and see their doctor. However, PCOS can happen at any age after puberty. Women of all races and ethnicities are at risk of PCOS. Your risk of PCOS may be higher if you have obesity or if youRead More…

Worrying Women – Why do women worry, or experience anxiety, perhaps more than other genders? Let’s explore possibilities here… Sometimes I wonder whether Eve, before she offered the forbidden fruit to Adam, worried if the fruit did actually come from an eco-farm, whether it was washed well from pesticides, or whether it was conducive to his health. When I use the term ‘woman’, I am referring to any person who identifies with the feminine aspects, irrespective to gender. Yes, most women worry. We are the first to notice if our kids might be ADHD, or need a dentist, or if our partner needs to useRead More…

“After being locked in for over three months I felt like I needed a total makeover. So I headed to Alfie’s and then to People and Skin …“ After being locked in for over three months I felt like I needed a total makeover. I wanted to feel refreshed and revitalised and “alive” again. I started with a visit to my regular hairdresser Bianca at Alfie’s. There I got myself a cut, colour and blow-dry. I also snuck in a quick consultation for a moisturizer with beautician and makeup artist Bianca’s sister Francesca Scerri Rizzo who is always so kind and helpful and never pushyRead More…

“The minute it glides on, your skin feels lovely and velvety so you can easily feel the difference of where you have applied the Frezyderm Sun Screen Velvet Face SPF 50 and where you have not…” We all know the importance of using sunscreen to prevent sun damage, wrinkles and cancer, but how many of us have actually found one we really like and won’t leave the house without? Finding the right sunscreen, one that isn’t too sticky, too streak or too thick, is a challenge. Every summer I end up buying two or three different ones and have never really found the perfect one.Read More…