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changing my mirena

I’m 42 and need to have a mirena change … this will be my 3rd one, is there a limit to how long or ’till what age I can use it please? I find it very convenient not getting a period and have done very well since I inserted the first one around 10 years ago. During my next mirena change is it okay to have a third one inserted please? Thank you for your help. (Maria, Swieqi) 

Yes, you can certainly have a third and even a fourth one fitted provided you see your doctor and get a PAP smear and possibly also an ultrasound to check your ovaries  beforehand. 

Prof Isabel Stabile, Gynaecologist

Further Reading…

Don’t Trust Your Coil – It Can Fall Out! – Article written by an anonymous reader.

“All my life I had been on the pill, but when I was no longer in a long term sexual relationship I decided to stop for a few years. Then I met the man of my dreams and we used condoms for the first few years. At one of my regular gynae visits, my gynae rightly asked me what contraception I was using and I said condom or the pull out method. Since I was 42 and it was really not the time to get pregnant he suggested I should use a more effective method and a safer one…”

Contraception Available In Malta – Article Written by Dr Michele Montanaro-Gauci

“A variety of contraceptive options should be available and easily accessible to women (and men) of all ages in Malta. Everyone has a right to access effective contraception, as this allows them to stay healthy, to avoid unintended pregnancies and have a safe and satisfying sexual life. A visit to a contraception clinic will include advice, information and discussion to help choose a suitable contraceptive method from all the many options available. It also offers initiation of the chosen method and can provide subsequent follow-up consultations if necessary…”

Where To Find Emergency Contraception – Sponsored Article

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