Why should you visit a Dermatologist?
A Dermatologist specialises in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the skin, hair, nails, sweat and oil glands, mucus membranes (such as inside the mouth, nose and eyelids) and skin cancer.
Most common examples of what Dermatologists can help with include acne, dermatitis, eczema, fungal infections, hair loss, warts, nail issues, vitiligo (lighter coloured patches of skin), psoriasis, shingles and skin cancer.
What is a Dermato-Venereologist?
Venereology is a branch of medicine that is concerned with the study and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. This specialty is usually combined with dermatology. The venereal diseases include bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic infections.
Some of the important diseases are HIV infection, syphilis, gonorrhea, candidiasis, herpes simplex, human papillomavirus infection, and genital scabies. Other sexually transmitted infections studied in the field include chancroid, lymphogranuloma venereum, granuloma inguinale, hepatitis B, and cytomegalovirus infection.
Registered Dermatologists List
Every care has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this page is both accurate and up-to-date. All information hereunder has been gathered from various sources all over the internet. If you are one of the registered professionals mentioned hereunder and you notice any discrepancies in the information given, or you are not listed below, kindly email us on [email protected] so we can update your contact information accordingly. Thank you.
Dr. Agius Elaine
Consultant Dermatologist
St Anne’s Clinic – Triq Kan Karm Pirotta, Birkirkara. [email protected]; Tel: 2149 3553
Dr. Apap Marie Charmaine
You may contact Dr Marie Charmaine Apap directly on m.me/drcharmaineapap; https://www.facebook.com/drcharmaineapap/; [email protected]
Saint James Hospital – Tal-Barrani – Triq tal-Ħotba, L/O Żejtun. Tel: 2329 1000
Beta Pharmacy – 50,52, St. Mary Street, Għaxaq. [email protected]; Tel: 2166 3311
CarePlus Medics – Triq Kananea, Attard. Mob: 79424424
Cosmed Pharmacy – Soccors, Triq Villambrosa, Ħamrun. Mob: 21225991
DaVinci Hospital – Kan Karmenu Pirotta Road, Birkirkara. Tel: 21 491 200; Fax: 21 491 325; [email protected]
Persona Med-Aesthetic Centre – 42, Marina Court, Sir Ugo Mifsud Street, Ta’ Xbiex. Tel: 21 340 366; Mob: 79 340 366; WhatsApp: 79 340 366; Facebook: PersonaMedAestheticCentre; [email protected]
Dr. Baldacchino Godfrey
DaVinci Hospital – Kan Karmenu Pirotta Road, Birkirkara. Tel: 21 491 200; Fax: 21 491 325; [email protected]
Dr. Caruana Dawn Marie
Saint James Capua Hospital – Sliema – Triq Ġorg Borg Olivier, Sliema. Tel: 2329 1000
Tat-Targa Health Clinics – Constitution Street, Mosta. Tel: 2143 3146
Rational Pharmacy – 74/75, Triq il-Wied, Birkirkara. Tel: 21441513
Klinika San Guzepp – 38, Pjazza Vittorja, Naxxar. Tel: 2141 6789
Persona Med-Aesthetic Centre – 42, Marina Court, Sir Ugo Mifsud Street, Ta’ Xbiex. Tel: 21 340 366; Mob: 79 340 366; WhatsApp: 79 340 366; Facebook: PersonaMedAestheticCentre; [email protected]
Dr. Clark Eileen
St. Philip Pharmacy – Triq iċ-Ċeppun, Għaxaq. Mob: 21808723
Dr. Mercieca Liam
St. Andrews Clinics – 40, Triq il-Qasam, Swieqi. Tel: 21355 205 / 21376 153; [email protected]
De Rohan Pharmacy – 24, Triq Sant’Antnin, Żebbuġ. Tel: 21464128
St. Philip Pharmacy – Triq iċ-Ċeppun, Għaxaq. Tel: 21808723; Mob: 99310884
Persona Med-Aesthetic Centre – 42, Marina Court, Sir Ugo Mifsud Street, Ta’ Xbiex. Tel: 21 340 366; Mob: 79 340 366; WhatsApp: 79 340 366; Facebook: PersonaMedAestheticCentre; [email protected]
Dr. Mifsud Edwin J.
Saint James Capua Hospital – Sliema – Triq Ġorg Borg Olivier, Sliema. Tel: 2329 1000
Saint James Hospital – Tal-Barrani – Triq tal-Ħotba, L/O Żejtun. Tel: 2329 1000
Tat-Targa Health Clinics – Constitution Street, Mosta. Tel: 2143 3146
St. Andrews Clinics – 40, Triq il-Qasam, Swieqi. Tel: 21355 205 / 21376 153; [email protected]
Prof. Pace Joseph L.
Persona Med-Aesthetic Centre – 42, Marina Court, Sir Ugo Mifsud Street, Ta’ Xbiex. Tel: 21 340 366; Mob: 79 340 366; WhatsApp: 79 340 366; Facebook: PersonaMedAestheticCentre; [email protected]
Dr. Wlodek Christina
Saint James Hospital – Tal-Barrani – Triq tal-Ħotba, L/O Żejtun. Tel: 2329 1000
Saint James Capua Hospital – Sliema – Triq Ġorg Borg Olivier, Sliema. Tel: 2329 1000
Saint James Hospital – Burmarrad – Triq Il-Wardija, San Pawl il-Baħar. Tel: 2329 1000
Registered Dermato-Venereologists
Dr. Aquilina Susan (sive Sue)
MD MRCP (UK); Consultant Dermatologist
Beta Pharmacy -50, 52, St. Mary Street, Għaxaq. Mob: 7966 3311; Tel: 2166 3311; [email protected]
Pasteur Pharmacy – Triq it-Tellerit, Safi. Tel: 21689944
Sir Paul Boffa Hospital – Sqaq Harper, Valletta. Tel: 21224491
Dr. Boffa Michael J.
M.D., M.R.C.P. (U.K), D.Derm. (London), M.Sc. Derm (London), C.C.S.T. Derm (U.K); Consultant Dermatologist
Persona Med-Aesthetic Centre – 42, Marina Court, Sir Ugo Mifsud Street, Ta’ Xbiex. Tel: 21 340 366; Mob: 79 340 366; WhatsApp: 79 340 366; Facebook: PersonaMedAestheticCentre; [email protected]
Saint James Hospital – Tal-Barrani – Triq tal-Ħotba, L/O Żejtun. Tel: 2329 1000
St Anne’s Clinic – Health, Beauty, Clinic – Triq Kan Karm Pirotta, Birkirkara. [email protected]; Tel: 2149 3553
Remedies Pharmacy – 144, Manuel Dimech Street, Sliema. Tel: 21344722
Dr. Borg Helen (sice Eileen)
MD, Dip Derm; Doctor Specialist In Dermatology & Venereology
Brown’s Pharmacy, Qormi – 278, Triq il-Vitorja, Qormi. [email protected]; Tel: 2149 9697
Brown’s Pharmacy, Zebbug – 47, Vjal il-Ħelsien, Żebbuġ. [email protected]; Tel: 2146 5411
Brown’s Paola Square Pharmacy -64/65, Pjazza Antoine De Paule, Paola. [email protected]; Tel: 2182 1646
Medicaid Pharmacy – 62, Vjal it-Torri, Gudja. Tel: 21676294; [email protected]
St.John’s Pharmacy + Medical Center – Triq l-Indipendenza, Ix-Xewkija. http://www.stjohnpharma4u.com/; Tel: 2156 3052;
[email protected]; https://www.facebook.com/stjohnpharma4u
Dr. Farrugia Angela
MD, IS Dermatology, DU Derm. Surgery
239 Medika – Triq tas-Sliema Kappara, San Gwann. Mob: 79 385 723; Tel:
2138 5723; https://www.facebook.com/medikaclinicmalta/; http://www.medikamalta.com/;
Dr. Padovese Valeska
Persona Med-Aesthetic Centre – 42, Marina Court, Sir Ugo Mifsud Street, Ta’ Xbiex. Tel: 21 340 366; Mob: 79 340 366; WhatsApp: 79 340 366; Facebook: PersonaMedAestheticCentre; [email protected]
Saint James Hospital – Burmarrad – Triq Il-Wardija, San Pawl il-Baħar. Tel: 2329 1000
Genito-Urinary Clinic of Mater Dei Hospital – Msida. Tel: 2545 0000
Saint James Capua Hospital – Sliema – Triq Ġorg Borg Olivier, Sliema.Tel: 2329 1000
Klinika San Ġużepp – 38, Pjazza Vittorja, Naxxar. Tel: 21416789
Dr. Papangelopoulos Ioannis
Dermato-Venerologist; Dermatologic Surgeon – General Secretary of Hellenic Society for Hair Transplant
Dr. Ioannis attends Persona to give advice and treatment related to hair loss. Women with issues pertaining to thinning hair may consult with Dr. Ioannis who is specialised in Hair Restoration. His expertise and experience are unique.
Persona Med-Aesthetic Centre – 42, Marina Court, Sir Ugo Mifsud Street, Ta’ Xbiex. Tel: 21 340 366; Mob: 79 340 366; WhatsApp: 79 340 366; Facebook: PersonaMedAestheticCentre; [email protected]
Dr. Scerri Lawrence
M.D. (Malta), M.R.C.P., F.R.C.P. (London). F.R.C.P. (Glasgo). CCST Derm (Uk); Consultant Dermatologist
Saint James Hospital – Tal-Barrani – Triq tal-Ħotba, L/O Żejtun. Tel: 2329 1000
The Tat-Targa Health Clinics – Constitution Street, Mosta. Tel: 2143 3146
Melita Health & Beauty – 72 / 74, St.George`s Rd, St.Julians. Tel: 2137 8657 / 2137 6360; info@melitahealth&beauty.com
St Anne’s Clinic – Health, Beauty, Clinic – Triq Kan Karm Pirotta, Birkirkara. [email protected]; Tel: 2149 3553
Anici Pharmacy – Triq Aniċi, Qormi. Tel: 21487162
Dr. Vella Briffa Dominic K/A Dino (sive Dino)
Consultant Dermatologist
Beta Pharmacy -50, 52, St. Mary Street, Għaxaq. Mob: 7966 3311; Tel: 2166 3311; [email protected]
Cosmed Pharmacy – Soccors – Triq Villambrosa, Ħamrun. Tel: 21225991
The Professional Services Centre – Triq Guzi Cutajar, Dingli. [email protected]; Tel: 21453973 / 21453974 / 27453973; Mob: 79453974