Why should you visit a Dietitian?
Dietitians interpret the science of nutrition to improve health and treat diseases/conditions by educating and giving practical, personalised advice to clients, patients, carers and colleagues.
You should visit a Dietitian if you’re curious about food and health, if you feel your relationship with food needs help, if you’re experiencing issues with your digestive system, if you want to improve your athletic performance, in case of lack or excessive appetite, if you’re experiencing fatigue, hormonal issues, frequent illnesses or injuries, if you are or planning to become pregnant, in case of abnormal bloodwork results, food allergies, chronic diseases, or for weight management purposes.
Registered Dietitians List
Every care has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this page is both accurate and up-to-date. All information hereunder has been gathered from various sources all over the internet. If you are one of the registered professionals mentioned hereunder and you notice any discrepancies in the information given, or you are not listed below, kindly email us on [email protected] so we can update your contact information accordingly. Thank you.
Ms. Aboulezz Dalia
Dietitian & Nutritionist; PGD (Wales), BSc. (Hons)
Brown’s Pharmacy, Mellieha – 69, Triq George Borg Olivier, Mellieħa. [email protected]; Tel: 2152 3554
ST ANNE’S CLINIC – Health • Beauty • Clinic – Triq Kan Karm Pirotta, Birkirkara. [email protected]; Tel: 2149 3553
Pjazza Medics Medical Clinic – Concordia Place, Level 1, Triq il-Ħalel, Buġibba. Mob: 7975 2992
Mr. Attard Manuel
Dietitian & Nutritionist; B.Sc (Hons) Melit, B.Sc (Hons) UK, M.Sc, RD
Garden View 1B (Dietician Clinic) – Triq L-Imblokk tal Francizi, Victoria, Gozo. Mob: 9926 8240; [email protected]; http://manuelattard.com/index.html
Ms. Baldacchino Sophie
Registered Dietician; BSc (Hons) PG. Dip. Dietetics
Registered Dietician at Mater Dei Hospital
Brown’s Pharmacy, Hamrun – 706, Triq il-Kbira San Ġużepp, Ħamrun. [email protected]; Tel: 2123 8623
Brown’s Pharmacy, Pieta – Shop 10, Yacht Marina Apartments, Triq il-Marina, Pietà. [email protected]; Tel: 2124 4366
Anici Pharmacy – Triq Aniċi, Qormi. Tel: 2148 7162
Ms. Camilleri Ilona
Dietician; BSc (Hons) AFNS, PG. Dip. Dietetics Registered Dietician
St. Philip Pharmacy – Triq iċ-Ċeppun, Għaxaq. Tel: 2180 8723
Ms. Camilleri Stephanie
St Clare’s Medical Services – 45/Flat 1, Loredana Court, Giuseppe Cali Street, Ta’Xbiex. Tel: 2131 6913; Mob: 7905 1587; http://stclaresmalta.com/#!Home.html
Dr. Caruana Mario
Dietitian and Nutritionist; BSc (Hons), PGDipN&D, MSc Dietetics (UK)
Mob: 9999 0074; Welcome; [email protected]; https://www.facebook.com/DrMarioCaruana/; m.me/DrMarioCaruana
Saint James Hospital – Tal-Barrani – Triq tal-Ħotba, L/O Żejtun. Tel: 2329 1000
St.Brigid’s Centre – Triq San Gorg, Gzira. Tel: 2133 6111; Fax: 2133 6111; [email protected]
Remedies Clinic – Floor 1, St Helena Buildings, Thomas Fenech Street, Birkirkara. Tel: 2149 8000; Mob: 7949 8008; [email protected]
The Pain Clinic – 21, Triq Tal-Borg, Paola. GPS: 35.872493, 14.508210; [email protected]; Tel: 2166 6903; Mob: 7966 6904
Ms. Comegna Stefania
Brown’s Pharmacy, Sliema (Tigne Point) – Unit 22, Triq Tigne, Sliema. [email protected]; Tel: 2131 3233
Ms. Dimech Rowinda
BSc(Hons) AFN, PG(dip)
One can book an online appointment with Ms. Rowinda Dimech on https://tabib.mt/
Felice Pharmacy – Triq is-Santwarju, Zabbar. Mob: 7907 3625; [email protected]
Remedies Clinic – Floor 1, St Helena Buildings, Thomas Fenech Street, Birkirkara. Tel: 2149 8000; Mob: 7949 8008; [email protected]
Gauci Ryan
Dietician at Mater Dei Hospital
Parnis Justine
Registered Dietician at Mater Dei Hospital
Mob: 7932 3645; https://www.facebook.com/JustineParnisRD; [email protected]
Saliba Miriam
Mob: 7906 9474; https://www.facebook.com/mypersonaltrainermalta
Ms. Sammut Emily
Dietician at Mater Dei Hospital
The Professional Services Centre – Triq Guzi Cutajar, Dingli. [email protected]; Tel: 21453 973/2145 3974/2745 3973; Mob: 7945 3974
Schembri Maria
Dietitian; B.Sc. (Hons). PQD. PCD Dietetics (UK)
Works at Mater Dei Hospital
GERADA PHARMACY – 46, Triq il-Madonna tal-Bon Kunsill, Zejtun. Tel: 2180 6009; [email protected]
Beta Pharmacy – 50,52, St. Mary Street, Għaxaq. Mob: 7966 3311; Tel: 2166 3311; [email protected]
Klinika San Ġużepp – 38, Pjazza Vittorja. Tel: 2141 6789
Cosmed Pharmacy – Soccors – Triq Villambrosa, Ħamrun. Tel: 2122 5991
Zarb Ariana
Registered Dietitian at Mater Dei Hospital
https://www.facebook.com/arianazarbdietitian/; [email protected]; Mob: 99192504
Zerafa Maxine
Facebook: MNutrition @mnutritionmalta; https://www.prod.facebook.com/pg/mnutritionmalta/about/?ref=page_internal; m.me/mnutritionmalta; [email protected]; http://mfoods.tumblr.com
Remedies Pharmacy – Marina Court, 49A, Triq l-Abate Rigord, Ta’ Xbiex. Tel: 2134 1649