Let’s avoid the cliché of beginning with how unbelievably terrible the year 2020 has been, and cut to the chase. There have been a number of incredibly strong, inspiring women that have graced us with their presence this year. We can easily build a long list of Maltese inspirational women 2020 …
From climate activism and reproductive justice to public health and political youths, this past year did not fall short on the versatility of women.
Take a look at our list of just SOME inspirational women 2020…

Becs Zammit Lupi, who sadly passed away this week, has been a profound source of inspiration, strength and determination.
In spite of a horrific cancer diagnosis in her early teens, Becs continued to persevere as a climate activist, artist, dancer and advocate for young cancer patients.

In 2019, Dr Marceline Naudi was elected President of the Council of Europe Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence.
Additionally, between 2006 and 2010, Dr Naudi served as a member and was chairperson of the Commission on Domestic Violence.
With a history of advocating for domestic violence victims, Dr Naudi continues to work relentlessly towards the prevention of domestic violence and the protection of survivors.

Dr Maria Pisani is the co-founder and director of Integra Foundation. As both practitioner and activist, she has worked to ensure the well being and accessibility of human rights for many.
Integra focuses on the human rights of Migrants & Refugees, children, the LGBTQI community, domestic violence victims, and more. It has truly manifested her dedication both to social transformation as well as knowledge within her academic field.

Prof. Isabel Stabile, local OBGYN and member of Doctors for Choice, has played a significant role in the field of reproductive health.
From insisting upon the availability of the MAP to activist stunts such as consuming fake abortion pills outside of parliament, Prof Stabile is truly a force to be reckoned with!

Many may remember Eve Borg Bonello from her incredibly strong speech during the protest for journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.
Since then, she has been appointed president of the PN teen wing “Team Start” at the mere age of seventeen.

Prof Charmain Gauci’s reputation precedes her, in that she has played an enormous role within the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.
As the Superintendent of Public Health, she has continually manifested both strength and ability, acting as an inspiration for all.

In 2020, Miss World Malta contestant Martha Attard stood proudly against local racists attempting to cast doubt on her nationality.
Determined not to be swayed by such ignorance, Martha responded with incredible strength and confidence: “Your comments made me stronger, I know I have a strong character, and no matter how much hate you give me I won’t break down, I’ve come too far to let everything go.”

As an activist group that focuses on reproductive justice, Young Progressive Beings has continually shown up to demand better access to sexual and reproductive rights.
A significant example of this was the event where a woman in Malta’s passport was confiscated on the grounds of her possibly seeking an abortion abroad (which is legal in Malta). YPB stood outside the courts and demanded it be returned, until it eventually was.

Maltese lawyer and activist Dr Lara Dimitrijevic is renowned for her work in aiding domestic violence victims, as well as the role she played in legalising the MAP.
In the year 2020, she has also represented a number of domestic violence victims through her organisation Women’s Rights Foundation, ultimately always prioritising what’s right over monetary value.

Dr Chiara Frendo Balzan has been a source of inspiration within her field, both in her medical practice as well as in her compassion and lack of judgement.
As a practitioner, she takes the time to listen to her patients and explain clearly, traits her patients truly appreciate. She continually helps women and regularly responds to online pleas on the Women for Women (Malta) platform.
Have you got a list of inspirational women 2020 as well? We’d love to feature more inspiring women on wham! Contact us or send us an email at [email protected]

Emily Galea is a writer and feminist activist in Malta. She is the Vice-President of Young Progressive Beings, Project Co-lead of the Dear Decision Makers campaign, and MA student in Gender, Society & Culture at the University of Malta.