Nina Lessi is both an erotica platform and a movement. It revolves around the empowerment of women and sexual liberation, all the while educating women on their own bodies. Women’s sexual pleasure has historically been ignored, and consequences of this can still be seen today. With a deep gender-oriented orgasm gap for straight couples (lesbian couples appear to be doing a lot better, at least!), things aren’t looking up in the area of straight women’s climaxing.
We sat down with Nina Lessi to learn all about them: how they’re different from regular sex sites, how they plan to shrink the orgasm-gap, how they empower women, and more.
What is Nina Lessi?
In a nutshell, Nina Lessi is a movement that educates and empowers anyone who identifies as a woman about their sexuality. We want to normalise the idea that women too have sexual fantasies, desires and needs. So we wanted to create a platform where they could explore and enjoy their sexuality and all its pleasures without any judgement.
Since this area is quite vast, we decided to start off our journey by creating a blog where we regularly write and post both erotica as well as sexual education articles. As we like to put it, it is by women for women, which means that we understand what most women want to read and we try our best to achieve that.
How can Nina Lessi help women?
Well, it helps women in many ways! Firstly, it educates them about their sexual health and their sexual organs. Unfortunately, there’s way too many women who have never looked at their own vagina, who don’t know what a clitoris or a G-spot is and who’ve never had an orgasm. So, we write articles for women to become more confident and learn more about their bodies and their pleasures.
Secondly, we write erotica stories which allows the readers to create a scene in their head any way they want. Our writing style is always in the first person, so we give our reader the opportunity to become part of the story.
This allows them to explore scenarios or sexual attractions within the safety of their own imagination. Nothing graphic is pushed on the reader, no body type or gender is really shoved in anyone’s face. We leave completely up to the reader to shape up the scene.

What demographic is Nina Lessi designed for?
Really and truly our blog is for anyone. However we think that it mostly attracts anyone who identifies as a woman. Currently, most of our traffic is from women between 20s to 40s, but we’d love to reach younger and older age groups as well.
How is your product sexually liberating?
It is fighting against the taboo that female pleasure and female orgasm is associated with.
How is Nina Lessi a feminist concept?
As we’ve explained, our aim is to help women become more confident with their bodies and learn more about their sexual pleasures and desires. By doing this we are hopefully decreasing the orgasm gap, and giving women that extra push to come out of their shyness when talking about sex.
A study done by Durex has shown that 20% of women do not orgasm during sex or foreplay, in comparison to the 2% of men. What’s even more concerning is that 56% of men believe that an orgasm is not necessary for a women to enjoy sex. This highlights a very big problem, but ultimately it starts with us being more confident in expressing our needs, wants and desires.
So by teaching women about their own bodies and giving them means to enjoy sex we are getting a step closer towards reaching equality in orgasms.
Lastly, we have a strict policy that all the stories and pictures respect and empower women. No stories of disrespecting, degrading, underage, taking advantage or even worse rape will ever be allowed on our platform. We are completely against these ideas and we will not tolerate them.

Where did the idea of Nina Lessi come from?
Funnily enough the idea came about when both of us were relaxing by the pool sipping on white wine. We were complaining about our day-jobs and one of us said how much more fun would it be if we could run a sex shop. The other replied with, “I’ve always wanted to write sex stories! Dudeeeee we should totally do something together.”
A week later we met up again, and started really analysing and making a vague plan and decided to go for it. We realised that there is a need for our type of blog, especially in Malta. We both actually looked up if there were similar platforms in Malta, and we found such limited content – and that empowered us to pursue this SO MUCH MORE.
What separates you from regular erotica platforms?
The main difference is that our goal is not to sell, or to become rich in any way. Our goal is to help women enjoy themselves, and this reflects on our website and in our writing.
All of our articles are well researched, and both of us have studied sciences for a very long time. So we can actually understand sex and pleasure from a biological, scientific and medical perspective.
To learn more about Nina Lessi, visit their website at ninalessi.com or their Instagram account (@ninalessiofficial).

Emily Galea is a writer and feminist activist in Malta. She is the Vice-President of Young Progressive Beings, Project Co-lead of the Dear Decision Makers campaign, and MA student in Gender, Society & Culture at the University of Malta.