Why should you visit a paediatrician?
A paediatrician is a medical doctor who examines children from birth onwards to assess their growth and development, and treats children with minor illnesses as well as acute and chronic health problems. Paediatricians work with babies, infants, adolescents and young adults, usually up to 18 years of age.
Registered Paediatrics Professionals List
Every care has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this page is both accurate and up-to-date. All information hereunder has been gathered from various sources all over the internet. If you are one of the registered professionals mentioned hereunder and you notice any discrepancies in the information given, or you are not listed below, kindly email us on [email protected] so we can update your contact information accordingly. Thank you.
Dr. Aguis Tancred
St Anne’s Clinic – Triq Kan Karm Pirotta, Birkirkara. [email protected]; Tel: 2149 3553
Dr. Andrejevic Hermione
Mater Dei Hospital
Dr. Aquilina Samuel
De Rohan Pharmacy – 24, Triq Sant’Antnin, Żebbuġ. Tel: 21464128
Safi Pharmacy – St. John Street C/W Bieb il-Garra Street, Safi. Tel: 21649552
Prof. Attard Montalto Simon Paul
Consultant at the Paediatric Outpatients clinic – Tel: 2545 4520/1
Paediatric Consultant at the Wonderland Ward – Tel: 2545 4916
Paediatric Consultant at the Disneyland Ward – Tel: 2545 4920
Saint James Capua Hospital – Sliema – Triq Ġorg Borg Olivier, Sliema. Tel: 2329 1000
St. Andrews Clinics – 40, Triq il-Qasam, Swieqi. Tel: 21355 205 / 21376 153; [email protected]
Dr. Azzopardi Eugene
Consultant at the Paediatric Outpatients clinic – Tel: 2545 4520/1
Dr. Bailey Mark Anthony
DaVinci Hospital – Kan Karmenu Pirotta Road, Birkirkara. Tel: 21 491 200; Fax: 21 491 325; [email protected]
Dr. Borg Kevin
Mob: 7973 0308; [email protected]; https://www.facebook.com/pg/kevinborgpaediatrician/about/?ref=page_internal
St. Philip Pharmacy – Triq iċ-Ċeppun, Għaxaq. Tel: 21808723
Dr. Borg Charles Joseph
St Anne’s Clinic – Triq Kan Karm Pirotta, Birkirkara. [email protected]; Tel: 2149 3553
Remedies Clinic – Floor 1, St Helena Buildings, Thomas Fenech Street, Birkirkara. Tel: 2149 8000; Mob: 7949 8008; [email protected]
Dr. Buhagiar Tancred J.
St Mary Pharmacy – Triq Ant. Schembri, Attard. Messenger: m.me/stmarypharmacyattard; [email protected]; Tel: 2143 6348
Dr. Camilleri Warne Alexandra
Messenger: m.me/alexandra.camilleri.warne; [email protected]; Mob: 79432501
One can book a virtual appointment with Dr Camilleri on https://tabib.mt/
St. Margaret’s Clinic – Mosta. Mob: 79432501
Saint James Hospital – Burmarrad – Triq Il-Wardija, San Pawl il-Baħar. Tel: 2329 1000
Saint James Capua Hospital – Sliema – Triq Ġorg Borg Olivier, Sliema. Tel: 2329 1000
Brown’s Pharmacy, Pieta – Shop 10, Yacht Marina Apartments, Triq il-Marina, Pietà. [email protected]; Tel: 2124 4366
Dr. Cassar Robert
Veduta Clinic – 37, Reggie Miller Street, Gzira. Tel: 2755 6655; Mob: 79994970 / 79999497; [email protected]
Dr. Debono Pharrah
Saint James Capua Hospital – Sliema – Triq Ġorg Borg Olivier, Sliema. Tel: 2329 1000
Medicaid Clinic – 62, Vjal It-Torri, Gudja. [email protected]. Tel: 21 676 294/ 27 676 294
Dr. Duca Bettina
Mater Dei Hospital
Dr. Farrugia Ruth
Brown’s Pharmacy, Paola Hill – 45, Paola Hill, Paola. [email protected]; Tel: 2169 4818
Brown’s Pharmacy, Sliema (Tigne Point) – Unit 22, Triq Tigne, Sliema. Tel: 2131 3233; [email protected]
Brown’s Pharmacy, Naxxar – Triq San Pawl, Naxxar, Malta; [email protected]; Tel: 2141 7652
Brown’s Pharmacy, B’kara – 32, Triq Fleur-de-Lys, Birkirkara. [email protected]; Tel: 2148 8884
Cosmed Pharmacy – Soccors – Triq Villambrosa, Ħamrun. Tel: 21225991
Dr. Farrugia Ryan
Remedies Pharmacy – 111, Triq George Borg Olivier, Mellieħa. Tel: 21523462
Dr. Farrugia John Mary
Consultant Paediatrician with a special interest in children with neurodevelopmental disorders presenting in the first 5 years of life working at the Child Development Assessment Unit (CDAU) sited within St. Luke’s Hospital grounds, under the Clinical Department of Paediatrics Mater Dei Hospital.
Dr. Formosa Maria Annunziata K/A Nancy
Resident Specialist at Mater Dei Hospital
Dr. Galea Nathalie
Consultant at the Paediatric Outpatients clinic – Tel: 2545 4520/1
Paediatric Consultant at the Wonderland Ward – Tel: 2545 4916
Paediatric Consultant at the Disneyland Ward – Tel: 2545 4920
Resident Consultants in Paediatric/Adolescent Oncology at Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre – Tel: 25452310/ 25452311
Dr. Galea Christine
Private Clinic – 26 Triq P P Castagna, B’Kara. Mob: 99 421 270
Prof. Grech Victor
One can book a virtual appointment with the consultant paediatrician on https://tabib.mt/
Consultant at the Paediatric Outpatients clinic – Tel: 2545 4520 / 1
Paediatric Consultant at the Wonderland Ward – Tel: 2545 4916
Paediatric Consultant at the Disneyland Ward – Tel: 2545 4920
St James Capua Hospital – Sliema – Triq Ġorg Borg Olivier, Sliema. Tel: 2329 1000
Dr. Grixti Cynthia
Resident Specialist in Paediatrics at Mater Dei Hospital Malta and in private practice
Dr. Jaccarini Carol
Veduta Court – Flat 3 Triq il-Madonna ta’ Lourdes, Nadur. Tel: 21561473
Dr. Mangion Mariella
Consultant at the Paediatric Outpatients clinic – Tel: 2545 4520 / 1
Dr. Martic Jelena
Resident Specialist Mater Dei Hospital
Dr. Mercieca Victor
Private Clinic – 64 Triq il-Manwala, Xewkija. Tel: 21560896
Dr. Mifsud Anton
1 St James Court – Triq is Sienja, Attard. Mob: 99476836
Dr. Mifsud Simon
Private Clinic – Gesu Redentur’ Guze Flores Street, Kercem
Dr. Mizzi Joseph
Send sms (Nixtieq inkellmek) on 79551446. Please do not call. Write short messages on SMS, Messenger, WhatsApp or [email protected]. For the calendar go on the site https://josephmizzi.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html
Gerada Pharmacy – 46, Triq il-Madonna tal-Bon Kunsill, Zejtun. Tel: 21 806009; [email protected]
Central Pharmacy – 6 Triq San Ġuzepp, Luqa. Tel: 21692546
Santa Marija Pharmacy – 40 Triq l-Għasfura, Haż-Żebbuġ. Tel: 21465346
St Catherine Pharmacy – Triq id-Dielja, H’Attard. Tel: 21413442
Dr. Muscat Baron Mary Astrid (sive Astrid)
Private Clinic – 45A Triq Grognet, Mosta. Mob: 99 408 034
Dr. Pace David
Consultant at the Paediatric Outpatients clinic – Tel: 2545 4520 / 1
Paediatric Consultant at the Wonderland Ward – Tel: 2545 4916
Paediatric Consultant at the Disneyland Ward – Tel: 2545 4920
Consultant Infectious Disease Paediatrician at DaVinci Hospital – Kan Karmenu Pirotta Road, Birkirkara. Tel: 21 491 200; Fax: 21 491 325; [email protected]
Dr. Parascandalo Raymond
Consultant at the Paediatric Outpatients clinic – Tel: 2545 4520 / 1
Paediatric Consultant at the Wonderland Ward – Tel: 2545 4916
Paediatric Consultant at the Disneyland Ward – Tel: 2545 4920
St Anne’s Clinic – Triq Kan Karm Pirotta, Birkirkara. [email protected]; Tel: 2149 3553
Dr. Said Conti Valerie
Consultant at the Paediatric Outpatients clinic – Tel: 2545 4520 / 1
Paediatric Consultant at the Wonderland Ward – Tel: 2545 4916
Paediatric Consultant at the Disneyland Ward – Tel: 2545 4920
Dr. Sammut Patrick
Consultant at the Paediatric Outpatients clinic – Tel: 2545 4520 / 1
Paediatric Consultant at the Wonderland Ward – Tel: 2545 4916
Paediatric Consultant at the Disneyland Ward – Tel: 2545 4920
Consultant in Paediatric Respiratory Medicine and Allergy at Mater Dei Hospital
Brown’s Pharmacy, Zebbug – 47, Vjal il-Ħelsien, Żebbuġ. [email protected]. Tel: 2146 5411
St. Philip Pharmacy – Triq iċ-Ċeppun, Għaxaq. Tel: 21808723
Dr. Sciberras Christopher
Private Clinic – 21 Florentia, Triq G Borg Pantalleresco, B’Kara. Mob: 99 476 462
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/DrChristopher-Sciberras-212316685601262/about/?ref=page_internal; Messenger: m.me/212316685601262; [email protected]
Remedies Clinic – Floor 1, St Helena Buildings, Thomas Fenech Street, Birkirkara. Tel: 21498000; Mob: 79498008; [email protected]
Remedies Pharmacy – Marina Court, 49A, Triq l-Abate Rigord, Ta’ Xbiex. Tel: 21341649
Dr. Soler Maria Dolores K/A Doriette
Consultant at the Paediatric Outpatients clinic – Tel: 2545 4520 / 1
Paediatric Consultant at the Wonderland Ward – Tel: 2545 4916
Paediatric Consultant at the Disneyland Ward – Tel: 2545 4920
Dr. Soler Paul
Consultant at the Paediatric Outpatients clinic – Tel: 2545 4520 / 1
Paediatric Consultant at the Wonderland Ward – Tel: 2545 4916
Paediatric Consultant at the Disneyland Ward – Tel: 2545 4920
Dr. Spiteri Amaris Stella
Consultant at the Paediatric Outpatients clinic – Tel: 2545 4520 / 1
Dr. Sultana Paul
PandA Clinic – 167, Labour Avenue, Naxxar. Mob: 99476874
Dr. Torpiano John Gerard
Consultant at the Paediatric Outpatients clinic – Tel: 2545 4520 / 1
Paediatric Consultant at the Wonderland Ward – Tel: 2545 4916
Paediatric Consultant at the Disneyland Ward – Tel: 2545 4920
Dr. Vella Cecil
Paediatric Consultant at the Wonderland Ward – Tel: 2545 4916
Paediatric Consultant at the Disneyland Ward – Tel: 2545 4920
Dr. Vella Mairi
Resident specialist at MDH
Dr. Vella Chiara
Consultant at the Paediatric Outpatients clinic – Tel: 2545 4520/1
Dr. Warrington Adriana
Resident Specialist Paediatrics at Mater Dei Hospital
Dr. Zahra Patrick
MD, DCh(Lond), MRCP(UK)
Medicaid Clinic – 62, Vjal It-Torri, Gudja. [email protected]; Tel: 21 676 294 / 27 676 294
Private Clinic – 50 Makousla Triq iz-Zingla, Zabbar. Mob: 99 426 815
Dr. Zammit Valerie
Mob: 99911060
Pasteur Pharmacy – Triq it-Tellerit, Safi. Tel: 21689944
The Bypass Pharmacy – Mons. Mikiel Azzopardi Street, Siġġiewi. Tel: 21461681
Dr. Zammit Silvana
Department of Paediatrics, Mater Dei Hospital