Why should you visit a Plastic Surgeon?
Plastic surgeons perform operations that change the shape or appearance of part of a patient’s body. These include cosmetic surgeries, where surgeons perform aesthetic changes such as nose jobs or face lifts, and reconstructive surgeries for patients who have injuries from a car crash or other accidents, or for individuals with birth defects.
Registered Plastic Surgeons List
Every care has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this page is both accurate and up-to-date. All information hereunder has been gathered from various sources all over the internet. If you are one of the registered professionals mentioned hereunder and you notice any discrepancies in the information given, or you are not listed below, kindly email us on [email protected] so we can update your contact information accordingly. Thank you.
Mr. Aquilina Duncan
MD, MRCS (Eng), EBOPRAS; Interested in facial rejuvenation, cosmetic and reconstructive breask surgery, body contouring surgery and skin cancer surgery.
Mr Duncan Aquilina works plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon Specialist at Mater Dei Hospital.
Persona Med-Aesthetic Centre – 42, Marina Court, Sir Ugo Mifsud Street, Ta’ Xbiex. Tel: 21 340 366; Mob: 79 340 366; persona.com.mt; [email protected]
Agatha Breast Clinic – Surgical Outpatients, Level 1, Mater Dei Hospital, Tal-Qroqq; Tel: 2545 4573 / 2545 4433
Mr. Borg Matthew
MD, MRCS (Eng), EBOPRAS; special interest in breast surgery, body contouring surgery and skin cancer
Dr Matthew Borg works as a plastic surgeon at the Plastic Surgery and Burns Unit in Mater Dei hospital.
Persona Med-Aesthetic Centre – 42, Marina Court, Sir Ugo Mifsud Street, Ta’ Xbiex. Tel: 21 340 366; Mob: 79 340 366; persona.com.mt; [email protected]
Mr. Briffa Joseph E.
Saint James Capua Hospital – Sliema – Triq Ġorg Borg Olivier, Sliema. Tel: 2329 1000
Agatha Breast Clinic – Surgical Outpatients, Level 1, Mater Dei Hospital, Tal-Qroqq. Tel: 2545 4573 / 2545 4433
Mr. Darmanin Francis X.
Saint James Hospital – Tal-Barrani – Triq tal-Ħotba, L/O Żejtun. Tel: 2329 1000
Agatha Breast Clinic – Surgical Outpatients, Level 1, Mater Dei Hospital, Tal-Qroqq. Tel: 2545 4573 / 2545 4433
Mr. De Gabriele Simon
Resident specialist in Plastic Surgery at the Plastic Surgery and Burns Unit, Mater Dei Hospital
Persona Med-Aesthetic Centre – 42, Marina Court, Sir Ugo Mifsud Street, Ta’ Xbiex. Tel: 21 340 366; Mob: 79 340 366; persona.com.mt; [email protected]
Agatha Breast Clinic – Surgical Outpatients, Level 1, Mater Dei Hospital, Tal-Qroqq. Tel: 2545 4573 / 2545 4433
Mr. Debono Raymond
MD MSc(Durham) FRCSEd FRCSRCPSGlas FRCSPlast; CCST UK Plastic Surgery; Consultant Plastic Reconstructive Hand and Aesthetic Surgeon Senior Lecturer University of Durham Founder of the North East Flap Course
Saint James Capua Hospital – Sliema – Triq Ġorg Borg Olivier, Sliema. Tel: 2329 1000
DaVinci Hospital – Kan Karmenu Pirotta Road, Birkirkara. Tel: 21 491 200; Fax: 21 491 325; [email protected]
Cosmetica – Beverly Hills Medi-Aesthetic /Cosmetica – 199 The Strand, Gzira. Mob: 99902100 or 99902103; http://www.cosmetica.com.mt/en
Malta Hand Clinic – Triq Kanonku Karmenu Pirotta, Birkirkara. Tel: 2149 4150
Dr. Esposito Gaetano
Private Clinic – Albino, Flat 3, Triq Iz-Zirzieb, Xlendi, Munxar, Għawdex, About Us
Ms Parnis Juanita
Saint James Hospital – Tal-Barrani – Triq tal-Ħotba, L/O Żejtun. Tel: 2329 1000
Saint James Hospital – Burmarrad – Triq Il-Wardija, San Pawl il-Baħar. Tel: 2329 1000
The DermaCare Clinic – Mimosa street, Hamrun. Tel: 21 239 779; Mob: 99 239 779; http://www.thedermacareclinic.com/; [email protected]; https://www.facebook.com/DermaCareMalta/posts/3013851661994891; m.me/DermaCareMalta
Dr. Stavrou Demetris
MD EBOPRAS; Interested in breast reconstruction after breast cancer and cosmetic procedures following weight loss surgery; Had the chance to train in specialized techniques for facelift, burn reconstruction and skin cancer surgery; https://www.instagram.com/drstavrou/
Clinica Joia, Your Cosmetic Clinic – 66, Sir Adrian Dingli Street, Sliema. Mob: 79317641; Tel: 21317641; [email protected]; www.clinicajoia.com
Aesthetic Doctor
Ms Grima Tara
MD, MRCSEd, MSc Burn Care: Higher Specialist Trainee in Plastic Surgery
Persona Med-Aesthetic Centre – 42, Marina Court, Sir Ugo Mifsud Street, Ta’ Xbiex. Tel: 21 340 366; Mob: 79 340 366; persona.com.mt; [email protected]