“People ask me all the time how I managed to turn my life around, and my answer to everyone is to try the Six Pack Revolution. My name is Hayley and this is my story…“
At 35 years old, I had some life changing news. For a few months I had not
been feeling my usual self, but had got on with everything as normal, and brushed it off with being stressed by work, and just tired. I finally went to the doctors and chatted about everything with my nurse, who was concerned that there may be an underlying cause, and asked me to bring in a urine sample the following day. I did exactly that, and the following morning, being very worried, I dropped my (still warm) sample into the nurses station.
Within 30 mins, I had a call to get immediately back up to the doctors as they had found sugar in my urine. I was then told I would have to be admitted to hospital immediately to be put on a drip as my sugars were so high, and I had Ketoacidosis, which if not treated, can cause serious harm – or even death. When I got admitted I was told I had Type 2 Diabetes. I beat myself up for 2 days, as I thought I had done it to myself, and despite being fit and always on the go, whilst maintaining a healthy diet, I was convinced I should have done more to stop this.
Finally after 2 days, I saw a diabetes specialised nurse, and I was told I actually have Type 1 diabetes, and there was nothing I could have done to prevent it.
I was taken off the drip on the 3rd day, and immediately put on Insulin injections, around 8 times a day. I went home with lots of medications, and a new life.
I took the diagnosis quite well, and soon enough got into the swing of all the injecting and finger pricking, but my fitness levels dropped as I was uncertain of what my body could manage, and I stopped pushing
myself for more. I lost my hunger for exercise and fitness, due to being scared of what might happen. I slowly started putting on a few pounds, and started feeling more and more tired. As a result, I had to inject more and more to keep my sugar levels steady.
I attempted the Yorkshire 3 peaks challenge in May (a challenge I had done easily a few years previous), and had 3 Hypo’s before the end of the 2nd Hill, I was exhausted, and I had to admit defeat, and walk back, without completing the third climb.
My self-esteem was shattered, and that just put me on a downward spiral of feeling I could no longer achieve my fitness goals.
My Journey With The Six Pack Revolution Program
In August, a friend put us in touch with the Six Pack Revolution program. My husband enrolled first, as he needed a change, and he saw it as a chance to embrace a new challenge. I had looked at what was involved, and as it would mean cooking him special meals, I took a look at it for myself, and I thought if I’m cooking it for him, then I may as well cook it for all of us.
I was very apprehensive at the start, as my Diabetic Nutritionist was all about the carbs, and couldn’t stress more about how a Type 1 diabetic needs lots of carbs to maintain healthy sugar levels. At first sight the plan doesn’t appear to have much carb content, so this worried me a little, based on what I had been told. After speaking with Scott and Annie, I was reassured that there would be enough carbs in the plan to
keep me going through the exercise, and that I should give it a go…..and I did.
I signed up for the September wave, and was put in Group 1 with Annie Page, and I went for it. Not only did I do the challenge, I embraced it every step of the way.
The Six Pack Revolution was hard at first, the first few weeks, I had quite a few Hypo’s (low blood sugar events), where my body was getting used to the reduction in carbs and the increase in exercise, but I soon realised that dropping my long lasting insulin, I could rectify that.
Soon, I was injecting half the dose of Long Lasting Insulin, and I had halved my short acting. I was starting to feel better, and certainly curious about what else the Six Pack Revolution could do for me.
Coach Annie was there for me every step of the way, and was always on the end of the phone if I needed any advice.
A few weeks in, people had already started commenting on how well I was looking, and “You’ve lost weight”, which gave me a confidence boost every time, and helped me keep on track.
The weekly photo shoot was always daunting, but it made you accountable, and gave you an extra push to do your best each week. Weeks passed, and the meal prep got easier and easier – whilst the exercises did get a bit harder. But results kept coming. I was feeling better and better. I had sorted my sugar levels, and by half way through the plan, I was only injecting a quarter of what I had pre-SPR.
Some days I got away with just injecting my Long lasting insulin in the morning, as all the exercise meant I didn’t need to inject any fast acting insulin. The SPR was changing my life, and giving me back some of the normality I had been longing for. My stomach was looking less like a pin cushion all the time!
By the final day of the plan, I was a changed person. Not only physically, but mentally too. I was doing exercises that I had been too scared to attempt previously, I was fitter than I had ever been, and I was following a great diet, and loving it.
Its now 7 months on from the end of the plan, and my husband and I still do our dailies, and follow the diet Monday to Friday. We are now educated about food, and no longer see food in the same we did before. Food is energy, and whilst it should still be enjoyed, it should also be respected.
People ask me all the time how I managed to turn my life around, and my answer to everyone is to try the SPR.
A lot of people say they are not ready, but when can you ever be fully ready for change? If you tell yourself that you are not ready, you will never make the change. You are the only person accountable for your actions, so make those actions count.
The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Are you insane? No, then make the change. Join the SPR, make positive changes, and trust me: SPR will not only affect you, but it will change all the people around you.
YOU – will become the inspiration for others.
YOU – will be their catalyst for change.
YOU – will change your life.
Lots of love to you all,
Hayley Gedney
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