Health (Page 18)

Certain health conditions affecting women in a different way than men include breast cancer, UTIs, anxiety and depression, and more… Although women suffer from the same health conditions as men, women are affected and suffer in different ways and in some cases more severely then men. The main example of this is breast cancer, although men can suffer from breast cancer it affects women in larger numbers and women are at a much higher risk of developing breast cancer. For example alcohol, even though men are more likely to become addicted the affects of alcoholism are more serious in women. Alcoholism in women can increaseRead More…

It is estimated that about 10-15% of couples within reproductive age suffer from infertility. Recently more and more couples seek assistance when faced with infertility. This increase may be due to women seeking to become pregnant at a later age than before, success in infertility treatment and increased awareness on the subject. This however doesn’t remove the fact that infertility tends to induce mental health issues such as stress, depression and anxiety. Negative Effects and Causes of Infertility Known factors that may contribute to infertility include cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, excessive weight as well as a decrease in libido. Additionally, depression may also result inRead More…

Worrying Women – Why do women worry, or experience anxiety, perhaps more than other genders? Let’s explore possibilities here… Sometimes I wonder whether Eve, before she offered the forbidden fruit to Adam, worried if the fruit did actually come from an eco-farm, whether it was washed well from pesticides, or whether it was conducive to his health. When I use the term ‘woman’, I am referring to any person who identifies with the feminine aspects, irrespective to gender. Yes, most women worry. We are the first to notice if our kids might be ADHD, or need a dentist, or if our partner needs to useRead More…

Exercise for pregnant women provides countless benefits for both the mother and her developing baby. By participating in safe effective exercise and physical activity, you will not only feel better physically, but also mentally. Benefits of exercise for pregnant women Keeping within the recommended healthy gestational weight gain Minimising aches and pains that are commonly associated with pregnancy such as back pain Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles which will be helpful during labour Keeping under control your blood pressure, especially since pregnancy may cause it to fluctuate Relieving stress and decreasing the risk of post natal depression Achieving your pre-pregnancy shape quicker and easier ConsiderationsRead More…

Many mothers worry about when is the right age to allow their daughters to start using tampons and usually discourage their tween daughters from using them right away from their first period.  Many tweens also prefer to use sanitary pads for the first few months, some girls are also scared and have no intention of even trying.  . Deciding whether or not a girl can use tampons depends on two things: is she responsible enough to use tampons safely and is she OK with the idea of using them in the first place? However it is perfectly safe should your daughter feel she wants orRead More…

“After being locked in for over three months I felt like I needed a total makeover. So I headed to Alfie’s and then to People and Skin …“ After being locked in for over three months I felt like I needed a total makeover. I wanted to feel refreshed and revitalised and “alive” again. I started with a visit to my regular hairdresser Bianca at Alfie’s. There I got myself a cut, colour and blow-dry. I also snuck in a quick consultation for a moisturizer with beautician and makeup artist Bianca’s sister Francesca Scerri Rizzo who is always so kind and helpful and never pushyRead More…

It’s exciting planning an addition to your family. Dr Natalie Psaila’s pre pregnancy advice can help you get your and your partner’s health in tip top condition before getting pregnant. Let’s take a look at some of them. Pre Pregnancy Advice Diet Nutrition is one of the most important aspects within this pre pregnancy advice list. Think fresh. Reach out for lots of fruit and vegetables. While it takes more effort, it pays off to cook all your meals from seasonal produce. It’s a sure way to get all the vitamins, proteins and healthy carbs you need. But stay away from processed or man-made foodsRead More…

Pelvic Organ Prolapse. So much lack of awareness about it, yet so many women are struggling because of it. In fact, it affects about 50% of women who have had children (but it can also affect women who have not had children) What is pelvic organ prolapse? Put ‘simply’ it is when one (or more) of your pelvic organs, i.e. the rectum, bladder, or uterus, drops down into the vagina. It happens when there is a lack of support by the pelvic floor muscles, ligaments, and fascia. What are the symptoms of a prolapse? For some women, there are not many symptoms, and they getRead More…

“I laughed so hard I almost wet myself.” How many times have we heard a woman we know say this? How many times have you said it yourself? What about those light-hearted comments and jokes related to ‘peezing’, i.e. when you sneeze and pee at the same time. This is Stress Urinary Incontinence, which is an involuntary leakage of urine when there are increases in intra-abdominal pressure, such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, jumping, running, squatting, and lifting. Yes, it is VERY common. In fact, 1 in 4 women over the age of 18 will experience episodes of stress urinary incontinence. Is it normal? No. IsRead More…

Article written by Dr. Michele MONTANARO-GAUCI MD. MSc. FRCOG – Specialist Gynaecologist A variety of contraceptive options should be available and easily accessible to women (and men) of all ages in Malta. Everyone has a right to access effective contraception, as this allows them to stay healthy, to avoid unintended pregnancies and have a safe and satisfying sexual life. A visit to a contraception clinic will include advice, information and discussion to help choose a suitable contraceptive method from all the many options available. It also offers initiation of the chosen method and can provide subsequent follow-up consultations if necessary. Consultations could cover topics suchRead More…