Physical Health (Page 3)

BRCA positive

In several countries, including Malta, there was an increase in the number of women asking for genetic testing when Angelina Jolie announced in May 2013 that she had a double mastectomy based on a BRCA positive test. BRCA testing is recommended for individuals with a strong family history of breast or ovarian cancer. According to the Centres for the Disease Control and Prevention in the US there are 3 subgroups which develop increased risk of developing breast cancer. These include: those with relatives who developed breast cancer before age 50 those who develop breast cancer themselves before age 50 those who have a male relativeRead More…

Menstrual Changes Following COVID-19 Vaccination

As we are currently pacing through the COVID-19 vaccination program rollout, a proportion of women from various countries are claiming menstrual changes following COVID-19 vaccination. Some women have claimed that they’ve experienced unusual, shorter or longer, lighter or heavier periods following vaccination. Whilst experts seem to be contradicting such reports, asked the question directly to Maltese women. Before listening to real women’s experiences, let us evaluate the current scientific evidence available on the subject. Scientific Evidence on Menstrual Changes following COVID-19 Vaccination Unfortunately, although I’ve searched thoroughly for evidence based information on the subject, there doesn’t seem to be much out yet, most probablyRead More…

ellen probiotic tampon review

The word ‘period’ can be easily associated with negative aspects such as cramps, mood swings, bloating and uneasiness, especially where irregularity is concerned. This, coupled with the diversity of products available to choose from, may create unnecessary tension. I must admit that as a writer, when I was asked to review Ellen Probiotic Tampons I felt quite taken aback. See, as a woman I’ve had my share of unsatisfactory menstrual hygiene product tries in the past (I admit I am quite fussy!), and had finally settled on using menstrual cups. However, as a mature student nurse, the word ‘Probiotic’ caught my eye, and I feltRead More…

vulnerable carer

I was recently contacted by Rebecca, a 37 year old woman with invisible disabilities who, despite her own life hurdles, is doing an excellent job taking care of her own mother. As a vulnerable carer, Rebecca has been desperately pleading to authorities to be vaccinated against COVID-19, but her pleas have gone unnoticed. This is her story… I’m 37 yrs of age, and most of my life has gone wasted. Half of my life has been taken away from me due to my invisible disabilities. I never got to do what normal adults do: travel, work full time, buy a house or simply go outRead More…

cystic fibrosis malta mandy vella

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic condition that causes mucus build-up within the lungs and the digestive system, causing lung infections and food digestion problems. Typically, CF symptoms start to show up in early childhood and worsen over time due to an increase in lung and digestive system damage, leading to an unfortunate shortened life expectancy. Adequate treatments can help reduce CF effects, promoting better living. Scientific evidence has shown that Trikafta (a.k.a. Kaftrio in Europe) has a positive impact on CF patients, improving their lung function by 14% (Cystic Fibrosis Trust). The downside to this is that it is a very expensive drug which makesRead More…

cervical cancer awareness month

This Cervical Cancer awareness month of January, WHO are encouraging women to get informed, get screened, and get vaccinated. Cervical cancer can be prevented and treated, if caught early. Cervical Cancer Symptoms Symptoms of cervical cancer may not be evident immediately, which is why, screening is the best way to prevent it. However, the first signs that usually show up are related to bleeding, mainly bleeding between periods, bleeding after menopause or bleeding during or after sex. Thus, it is important that you visit your GP immediately if you experience any bleeding of this sort. Cervical Cancer Screening Cervical cancer can be most effectively controlledRead More…

I took the covid vaccine

“I took the Covid19 vaccine Pfizer-BioNTech to protect myself and the community I serve”, says Specialist Public Health Nurse Tracy… The much-awaited Covid-19 Vaccine has finally arrived in Malta. Malta’s healthcare workers are the first to have started to receive the vaccine. Many people are still apprehensive about the vaccine and are not keen to be the first to take it. Wham spoke to Tracy from Berkshire in the UK, a Specialist Public Health Nurse – Health Visitor. Tracy is 59 years old, half Maltese and works with mothers and families with children 0 to 5 years old. Tracy works in her community as aRead More…

hysterectomy and hrt

After two years of uncertainty and extreme periods I decided there and then…I needed a hysterectomy and HRT at 45. I needed to change my life completely! My periods were always regular and light, however I always suffered from PMS and would get moody, slightly down and under the weather, touchy and I would cry easily. I remember I used to think a lot about death and have brain fog for a week before and a few days after every period. That meant that for 10 days out of every month I felt like I wasn’t really my usual happy go lucky self. As womenRead More…


Over the last couple of years we have seen a growing interest in men’s physical and mental health especially during the month of November. In fact, in beginning of the month, termed Movember, a number of men start with a clean shave, and grow a moustache during the rest of the month. This gesture aims to raise awareness on men’s health issues including testicular and prostate cancer, depression, anxiety and suicide. This campaign attempts to empower men to lead better, healthier lives. The Movember movement started back in 2003 in Australia however it has now turned global. This lobby does not focus only on physicalRead More…

PMS post menstrual syndrome

Premenstrual Syndrome, the notorious and misunderstood phrase that has been denouncing women through the years as hysterical. The phrase that many use to invalidate the very real pain and discomfort that several women must endure pre, during and post menstruation. PMS stands for Premenstrual Syndrome and it is essentially a mixture of symptoms that an overwhelming amount of women experience around a week (or two) before their periods, such symptoms may include: fatigue, depression, mood swings, tender breasts, irritability and food cravings. The list of symptoms is vast and the intensity varies, but it remains common – it effects three in every four menstruating womenRead More…