Women (Page 5)

don't try to change me

I have always been in touch with my masculine side, which has allowed me to form close-knit, platonic friendships with men. Being a woman, I can confidently say that having male best friends helped shape who I am today, providing me with some of the richest and most meaningful friendships I’ve had to date. Over my 34 years of life, I’ve accumulated a handful of close male friends from my college years right up to the present day. I believe that certain social ideologies trigger insecurities that make men and women feel threatened by wives or husbands who have close relationships with members of theRead More…

social media

As humans, it is in our nature to compare ourselves to others. Such comparisons allow us to evaluate our achievements and can influence how we view ourselves as individuals. However, the amount of comparing we do can affect our mental health and well-being. Social comparisons help us to form our social circles; we are naturally drawn to those whose backgrounds and environments are similar to our own. However, comparing yourself to others at a party does not necessarily have the same effect as comparing yourself to others on Instagram. It is easier to portray an exciting existence and elaborate lifestyle on social media platforms thanRead More…


What I’m going to tell you now is based on my personal experiences. Backstabbers, abusers, imposters, liars and manipulators all share one thing in common: a complete disregard for the boundaries of their victims. Their mission in life is to simply make things worse for you; they are not trying to help you succeed. Instead, they aim to make life terrible. They come in all forms, and the lines between the different types of diagnoses are often blurred. I think it is vital in any relationship to ask ourselves, “how well does this serve me?” You’ll soon realise whether these connections are worth their weightRead More…

power imbalance

Suppose one trending issue regularly appears to surface in female-based community groups. In that case, the trope of successful women attract weak men. Of course, we all know at least one beautiful, intelligent, successful woman who never seems to find men who are anywhere near her calibre. It appears, for whatever reason, that the most desirable women often inexplicably end up with abusers, cheaters, or downright losers. Have you ever wondered, in a state of bewilderment, why these strong, independent women seem to struggle so much when seeking healthy relationships? From what I have gathered, it’s a mix of things. However, there always seem toRead More…


A few years ago, I met a young woman who needed help moving on from a relationship which had ended two years previously. As Leanne began to tell her story, I learnt that she’d met a man through a colleague and they’d began dating soon after. What followed was, as she described, one of the most romantic, intimate relationships she’d ever experienced. One morning, six months later, he left her apartment to go to work and that was the last she ever saw of him. After calling and messaging him numerous times and receiving no reply, she was sent into a tailspin of thoughts andRead More…


I wonder what you think about when you hear the mention of strip clubs, ‘massage’ parlours or escort services, and what your feelings are about pornography. Were you aware, for instance, that prostitution involves 40-42 million women worldwide, 75% of whom are aged between 13 to 25 years of age? Of these girls and women, 90 percent have a pimp or other person controlling them (Report by Fondation Scelles, 2012). Did you also know that the average age of the first exposure to porn is 11 years? (Johnson et al, 2015). Quite scary really when you consider that the most widely viewed porn contains violence,Read More…

life through a different lens

Being a mentor means being in touch with realities different than one’s own, since you encounter humans whose experience of life is quite different than yours. Being a mentor does not mean that you understand what your mentee is going through; it is truly difficult to understand what another person is going through or feeling if you have never been in a similar situation or faced with certain difficult choices. And even if you have, we are all individuals who react and respond in different ways. What you do as a mentor is empathise and support your mentee as best you can, in an emotionalRead More…

Paulina Dembska

If you live in Malta, I am sure you have heard of the horrific femicide of Paulina Dembska. If you haven’t yet heard of it, Paulina, a 29-year-old polish woman, was sexually assualted and killed by a man, on 2nd January 2022 at the Independence Garden, in Sliema. This news shook the whole nation and even more so women. It especially deeply affected a lot of women, both physically and emotionally because women’s deepest fears, that is, of being harassed or harmed by a man, turned into reality and they realised that it could have easily been them, their female relative or their female friend.Read More…


Women For Women Foundation assists vulnerable women in social and financial crisis on a daily basis – women who are poor or sliding into poverty, who may be homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, who suffer from health problems, who may be at risk of violence, who are young or expectant mothers, or who have suffered a sudden accident or loss, leaving them in crisis. As a voluntary organisation, an internal framework as well as increased human resources were required to process the increasing amount of daily requests for support. For this reason, in March 2021, Elle-Evate was launched – a 12 month projectRead More…

self employment

One of the most difficult things for a woman to do is keep up with her career and have children. Others decide that being an employee is not their thing and having their own business or extra income at the side is the way to go. For me it was all of the above. Having a son at the age of 32 was a very different experience from when I had my daughter at 18. Our parents were now elderly; having them babysit our son was not an option and he was not an easy child at all – tantrums galore, so we needed toRead More…