Search results for: covid (Page 4)

The Women In Me

The Women In Me is an annual celebration of the different facets and diverse needs and desires of every woman, honouring what makes a woman unique as well as what all women have in common. Keeping this year’s recommended health precautions in mind, The Women In Me 2021 is being celebrated through a virtual campaign, showcasing a number of women who have impacted the local scene in a positive and empowering way. The Women In Me 2021 celebrates the strengths and achievements of women of all ages who, despite life obstacles, have managed to persevere and succeed, radiating inspiration and empowerment through their own day-to-dayRead More…

identity malta family unification

Agnes Mudembo is no ordinary woman. A mother of three currently following a Bachelors’ Degree in Nursing on Full Time basis at the University of Malta at 42 years old is already something admirable. As a nursing student myself, I’ve met Agnes online during lectures for the past couple of months and I can say that she is a respectful, caring and dedicated woman who is eagerly studying for a better and more satisfying career. But as an extremely empathic and sensitive woman, through her eyes I could easily feel a lot of internalised pain. So through wham we sat down and attempted to uncoverRead More…

positive pregnancy test

From the moment those two lines appear on your positive pregnancy test, your life changes. Apart from a mix of emotions that can be even more heightened due to those increasingly raging pregnancy hormones, suddenly you find yourself anxious about the next steps you need to take, both for your pregnancy journey as well as for your baby. We at wham thought of making it simpler for you by compiling a list of all services available to women living in Malta and Gozo who have just got a positive pregnancy test. No matter what your personal situation is, you will definitely find services you canRead More…

Malta Dyslexia Association

Press Release by the Malta Dyslexia Association – Dyslexia Online Meeting April 2021 The Malta Dyslexia Association is organizing its fourth online meeting for 2021 on Thursday, 29th April 2021. The activity starts at 18:00 and will be facilitated by Dr Claire Francica, Existential Psychotherapist and Parental Alienation Practitioner. This session is open for parents, educators and students. It focuses on Addressing Burnout during the COVID 19 Pandemic. For more information on registration please contact MDA on 99498841 or send an email to [email protected] L-Assoċjazzjoni Maltija tad-Diżleksja qed torganizza ir-raba’ laqgħa virtwali għas-sena 2021 nhar il-Ħamis, 29 ta’ April 2021. L-attività ser tibda fis-6.00pm uRead More…

Beyond The Moon

‘Beyond the Moon’ Launches This Year’s Edition of The Perfect Gift Fair – Mother’s Day 2021 Following the success of the charity’s Christmas Perfect Gift Fair, the upcoming event has also gone online due to the prevailing pandemic. Children’s charity Beyond the Moon is happy to announce that this year’s The Perfect Gift Fair – Mother’s Day 2021 has gone virtual in the footsteps of The Perfect Gift Fair – Christmas 2020 Edition, which raised €1,160. The Mother’s Day fair is live and will run until 9 May 2021. Proceeds will go to the same philanthropic cause. Beyond the Moon is an international charity basedRead More…

Top 5 Spring Makeup Trends 2021

Spring is upon us; the birds are singing, the temperature is rising and so are our hopes for an end to this temporary lockdown. On a brighter note; this year’s makeup trends are all about colour and sparkle, what more could you possibly want? I know we’re all slightly fed up of the current situation… (to say the least) Of course, due to Covid and the new mask wearing lifestyle we’ve had to undertake; the focus will be mainly on the eyes. As usual, I’ve been scrolling on Instagram… a lot (you know how it is) and I’ve come across some stunning makeup looks thatRead More…

Kimberley Bajada

Kim, a qualified Professional Makeup and Special Effects Artist, is extremely creative and loves to work with anything makeup related, be it naturally enhancing beautiful brides to creating gory special effects for a horror film. Her love affair with everything beauty and fashion related developed at a very young age, starting with styling her Barbie’s hair and choosing her outfits. This soon turned into styling her friends’ hair and glamming them up for a night out or special occasion. When she’s not working on a hectic movie set, pre-Covid you would find her travelling the globe; living her best life and exploring the wonders ofRead More…

vulnerable carer

I was recently contacted by Rebecca, a 37 year old woman with invisible disabilities who, despite her own life hurdles, is doing an excellent job taking care of her own mother. As a vulnerable carer, Rebecca has been desperately pleading to authorities to be vaccinated against COVID-19, but her pleas have gone unnoticed. This is her story… I’m 37 yrs of age, and most of my life has gone wasted. Half of my life has been taken away from me due to my invisible disabilities. I never got to do what normal adults do: travel, work full time, buy a house or simply go outRead More…

fathers and online schooling

Following the publication of an article I wrote a few days ago named Online Schooling in Malta and its Devastating Effects on Working Mothers, certain women reacted negatively to it, stating that the effects of online schooling is not just being felt by working mothers, but by all mothers as well as fathers. And they were right. As a writer I focused on the devastating effects on women, forgetting the many fathers that are actively involved in their own children’s upbringing on all levels, including their education, and for this I apologise. One particular father reached out to me in reaction to my previous article.Read More…

emergent curriculum

The emergent curriculum is an organic teaching approach that helps in the development of young children. This approach, which is still relatively new and is constantly growing and evolving, is currently being introduced by teachers in the early childhood settings. The emergent curriculum promotes collaboration between children and educators, giving both a voice. Teachers are encouraged to build on the children’s likes and interests so as to promote responsiveness. In such settings, the educator takes on the role of a facilitator, observes what would be happening, and gives the children a chance for more discovery, deeper digging, and further knowledge construction by planning their activitiesRead More…