A mindful sex app has been created using techniques such as cognitive behavioural therapy promoting pleasure, confidence and health for women.
For centuries, research has seen a huge male bias, creating a gap in knowledge about women’s health. Research now shows that a half of the men and women surveyed in Britain had a serious lack in identifying and understanding the function of a vagina. This is compounded by poor perceptions around female pleasure that are derived from porn. This is why two young entrepreneurs set out to change the narrative around women’s sexual wellbeing. Quinlan, 29, and Hushlak, 31, have launched a mindful sex app that uses techniques such as cognitive behavioural therapy to help users explore their bodies and what works for them.
Ferly, the Mindful Sex and Women Sexual Wellbeing app is aimed at women who face sexual difficulties around low libido, sexual anxiety, low confidence, inability to orgasm and pain during sex. It’s also a cool app for women who want to discover more about their sexual selves.
First time users will fill in a questionnaire on what the founders describe as the three pillars of sexual wellbeing: pleasure, confidence and health. The app guides the user through self-exploratory ‘body mapping’ and offers the user a library of audio erotica stories and guided practices to try alone or with a partner.
For a more fact-like approach, podcast-style guides help the user explore the gynaecological anatomy and guides to help challenge negative self-talk about their body. Quinlan says they want to open the discussion on sex and demystify women’s sexual pleasure in the way that apps like Calm and Headspace have achieved this for mental health.
“Half of women experienced a sexual difficulty in the last year,” says Quinlan. “The impact of that feeds into every facet of life.”
“People don’t prioritise sex or their sexuality because it feels like a burden or something that’s quite toxic. It’s like there’s this unspoken conversation,” says Quinlan. This is a personal mission for both Quinlan and Hushlak who are both sexual abuse survivors.
Ferly is available on the Apple Store and will soon be launched for Android. Read more about Ferly App here.
You can find the original article here.
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