Health (Page 3)

In today’s digital age, the ease of sharing intimate images has created a new avenue for privacy breaches and non-consensual sharing, with serious consequences for victims. This article explores the issue of men sharing explicit photos sent to them by women, focusing on the situation in Malta. It is essential to emphasize that the blame lies squarely with those who violate trust, not the individuals who share their images in confidence. Non-consensual sharing of intimate images, often referred to as “revenge porn” or “image-based abuse,” is a problem that affects individuals of all genders. However, statistics reveal that women are disproportionately targeted, and men areRead More…

If you are a new mum that has just been through a caesarean section, Congratulations! It is not easy to have to deal with a surgery and the care of a new baby.  Making a plan for recovery and return to work and exercise, involves first understanding how the body heals and when and how to intervene to get back to your normal.  Read More…

Sexual harassment is a pervasive issue that affects individuals worldwide, regardless of gender, age, or background, however women are much more likely to experience sexual harassment in greater numbers. It is crucial to define and understand the concept to address it effectively. Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination and abuse that involves unwelcome sexual advances, comments, requests for sexual favours, or any other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that creates a hostile or intimidating environment for the victim.Read More…