Physical Health (Page 4)

common cancers in women

When we speak about common cancers in women, we usually find ourselves thinking about breast cancer and cervical cancer. However, when I started researching about leading common cancers in women living in Malta, I came across this chart which clearly mentions various other sites in relation to female cancer (Dalmas, M., 2002). The chart above indicates the incidence rate as well as the mortality rate of the most common cancers in women in Malta. Thus, below we will be skimming through most of these cancers and their symptoms, treatments and other related information. While the data compiled above is related to the years 1998 toRead More…

breast cancer awareness

Pink October is how we refer to October as a month for raising Breast Cancer awareness. There are walks, runs and bike rides being organised around Malta and Gozo to raise funds for NGO’s and Cancer Research. Schools and work places organise breast awareness talks and encourage wearing pink for the day. This drive towards more awareness and information is vital because it helps highlight the importance of being checked by a doctor and having the necessary medical investigations and treatment if there is an issue. This year, due to the COVID pandemic, NGO’s had to re-think ways to raise awareness and funding for cancerRead More…

women conditions men conditions

Our body gives us so much so it makes sense to take good care of it and keep it in tip-top health. One way you can do that is by having regular check ups and monitor for signs of early disease. Most conditions can be managed very well or even reversed if caught soon enough. We’ve already taken a look at some general tests you could do. This article will discuss how to perform check ups for conditions that are specific to women and men. Breast Examination Breast cancer can be treated quite efficiently when discovered early. Current guidelines advise women to examine their ownRead More…

regular checkup

Regular check ups and tests help us keep healthy for as long as possible. They also detect illness at the earliest stages… Consider a car that does not undergo regular maintenance. It will be fine for the first few years, but then you can start expecting trouble without much warning. The road-worthiness test (VRT) helps prevent that to some extent. Most of us feel quite lost when our car decides to break down. Now, how much more devastating would it be to lose our body’s health?  Check-up examinations and tests help us keep healthy for as long as possible. They also detect illness at theRead More…


Five years might not be seen as too long, however, constant pain, sleep difficulties, migraines and headaches, as well as problems with mental processes can make those 5 years feel like a never-ending hell. I am a 19 year old young woman, and finally, after 5 years begging various doctors to answer questions regarding all issues with my body, I was able to rule out other possible conditions and come to the conclusion that what I most likely have is Fibromyalgia. It all started 7 years ago, when I was admitted to Mater Dei Hospital with Tachycardia: my heart was beating at an average rateRead More…

covid positive family member

Few weeks ago my husband was feeling unwell, just a sore throat and body aches but no fever. He tested positive to Covid19… This COVID-19 has been a word that everyone seems to be afraid of. I would like to share my experience so that others that may have to go through it wont feel as helpless as I felt. Few weeks ago my husband was feeling unwell, just a sore throat and body aches but no fever. We thought it would be best that he goes to do the test before going to see our family gp. He tested positive to covid19. The shockRead More…

osteoporosis osteopenia

In discussing osteoporosis and bone health, it’s good that there are things you can do to fight osteoporosis and promote healthier bones…. Osteoporosis is a health condition that develops over a number of years. It weakens bones, making them more fragile and more likely to break. It is often diagnosed when a fall or sudden impact causes a fracture. Osteopenia (bone loss) would have been taking place for years before osteoporosis occurs. This is why it is important to do a bone density scan (depending on your age and risk factors) to check how strong your bones are. If you do have osteopenia, there areRead More…

Women have unique oral health concerns due to fluctuating hormone levels during menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause… Oral health is the health of your mouth, including your teeth, gums, throat, and the bones around the mouth, joints and chewing muscles. Good oral health is more than just decay-free teeth. The mouth is the gateway to the body and will also reflect many systemic health problems, such as diabetes, leukaemia and lupus. General care for your mouth Dentists recommend that everyone brush their teeth at least twice a day for two minutes with fluoride toothpaste (concentration as close to 1500ppm F-as possible – you find thisRead More…

Certain health conditions affecting women in a different way than men include breast cancer, UTIs, anxiety and depression, and more… Although women suffer from the same health conditions as men, women are affected and suffer in different ways and in some cases more severely then men. The main example of this is breast cancer, although men can suffer from breast cancer it affects women in larger numbers and women are at a much higher risk of developing breast cancer. For example alcohol, even though men are more likely to become addicted the affects of alcoholism are more serious in women. Alcoholism in women can increaseRead More…

Many mothers worry about when is the right age to allow their daughters to start using tampons and usually discourage their tween daughters from using them right away from their first period.  Many tweens also prefer to use sanitary pads for the first few months, some girls are also scared and have no intention of even trying.  . Deciding whether or not a girl can use tampons depends on two things: is she responsible enough to use tampons safely and is she OK with the idea of using them in the first place? However it is perfectly safe should your daughter feel she wants orRead More…