Sexual and Reproductive Health (Page 4)

am i menopausal menopause symptoms

“Am I menopausal?” “Is it really as hot as I feel it is, or am I experiencing menopause?” “Am I experiencing menopause symptoms?” How many times do we hear such questions? Or even remark in the same way, especially during hot summer days? Truth is, this is a phase we women have to go through eventually, and so, it makes sense that the thought lingers through our minds, even earlier on in life. Menopause is when a woman stops having periods and is no longer able to get pregnant in a natural way. Menopause is defined as 12 months without a menstrual bleed, in theRead More…

parentcraft services malta

Parentcraft Services is a free-standing Unit, forming part of the Obstetric Department and situated at Level 1, Block E, Mater Dei Hospital. Parentcraft Services offered by parentcraft midwives provide education and support during and after the pregnancy. While gathering information for this article I had the pleasure to talk to the very dedicated Charge Midwife and Parentcraft Services Coordinator, Louise Bugeja, who took the time to explain in detail the many educational opportunities that are being offered through this unit. Ms Bugeja explained that education is mainly carried out through team meetings offered to expectant mothers/couples, mothers with twin pregnancies, grandparents, and mothers with consecutiveRead More…

maltese women who say abortion saved their lives

Over the past five years many women have shared their abortion experiences in confidence with me.  So far, none of them has ever told me she regrets it. On the contrary most of the women I have spoken to have told me it was the best thing they did, and they have absolutely no regrets.  I would like to share a couple of their experiences. Abortion is about compassion and understanding. UK statistics for 2018 show that 90% of all abortions in the UK happen before 12 weeks. Having a termination before 12 weeks of pregnancy is like having a miscarriage. Maltese women are havingRead More…

world contraception day

World Contraception Day is celebrated every year on the 26th of September. World Contraception Day aims to create awareness on all available contraception methods, so that people can make healthy informed decisions related to their own sexual and reproductive health. The annual World Contraception Day campaign was initially launched in 2007, and was created around the vision where every pregnancy is wanted. The concept of family planning along with access to preferred contraceptive methods is essential for women’s well-being and body autonomy. It also supports prosperous community development, and helps in reducing poverty. Contraception Has Increased Opportunities For Women Financial Opportunities: A third of wageRead More…

pro-choice malta

Being pro choice is something I feel very passionate about, especially as a woman. But I still find it hard to write about because the conversation is so widely suppressed that I often get scared to merely bring it up. This is a huge problem because the only way we can learn is if we can openly talk. Conversation and opposing opinions should under no circumstance take away a woman’s reproductive rights, the basic idea that a person should have complete bodily autonomy should always prevail. Usually, the counter-argument to that would claim that the foetus is its own person (this is another debate inRead More…

bacterial vaginosis penis microbiome

Bacterial Vaginosis is an infection caused by an imbalance in the vaginal microbiome; a common cause of unusual smelly vaginal discharge with a different consistency and colour, evident especially after sex. However, about 50% of women with Bacterial Vaginosis experience no symptoms. Similarly, itchiness and soreness are usually not present during this infection. Bacterial Vaginosis is not a sexually transmitted infection (STI) in itself, but it can increase your chance of getting various STI’s such as HIV, herpes simplex virus, chlamydia, or gonorrhea, as well as lead to fertility issues. Although Bacterial Vaginosis is quite common, there is not yet a clearly known cause. However,Read More…

mindful masturbation

Research points towards mindful masturbation being effective in improving sexual health and in treating sexual difficulties. Here’s why… Most women of my generation grew up with a negative view of female sexuality, where sex was reserved for procreation and for after marriage. The words vulva, vagina and clitoris were taboo and rarely spoken about. There was an aura of shame, guilt and disgust around female sexual pleasure and we were tasked with the responsibility of keeping the boys in check by our behavior, the way we dressed and our general demeanor. We were told by authority figures that masturbation was bad and to be avoided.Read More…

MAP Morning After Pill Malta

After a recent post on Facebook, Gynaecologist Dr. Rita Hansagi felt she had to intervene to explain more about the MAP (Morning After Pill) and how it works. Ladies. I am a gynecologist. It is my profession to answer this question. There are 2 types of MAP available in Malta. 1. Escapelle – which contains a high dose of artificial progesterone hormone. Only thing it does when taken is delaying/postponing or blocking ovulation, by delaying the LH surge. It is simple hormone biology. Does not kill any baby. 2. Ella One – this contains another type of chemical called ullipristat – has a bit ofRead More…

mirena coil can fall out

Unfortunately my coil fell out. I became pregnant at 43 after being told by my gynaecologist that a mirena would be safer and more reliable.. All my life I had been on the pill, but when I was no longer in a long term sexual relationship I decided to stop for a few years. Then I met the man of my dreams and we used condoms for the first few years. At one of my regular gynae visits, my gynae rightly asked me what contraception I was using and I said condom or the pull out method. Since I was 42 and it was reallyRead More…

sti symptoms malta

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections that commonly spread by sex, all types of sex i.e. vaginal, oral and anal sex. The organisms (bacteria, viruses or parasites) that cause sexually transmitted infections may pass from person to person in blood, semen or vaginal and other body fluids. Sexually transmitted infections don’t always cause symptoms. Because of this, they may go unnoticed until complications occur or a partner is diagnosed. If STIs do cause symptoms in men, these include Burning on passing urine Discharge from the penis Sores or bumps on the genitals or in the or rectal area Itching of the genitals Rashes over theRead More…